发布时间:2019-04-22 16:41
【摘要】:配筋砌块砌体柱已被纳入到2002版砌体结构设计规范,经过几年的应用,积累了很多经验,也发现存在一些问题:(1)配筋砌块砌体柱轴心受压承载力计算方法在引入时基本套用了无筋砌体的模式,试验数据仅作为验证性,缺乏理论依据;偏心受压承载力计算方法目前还没有给出;(2)规范对构件长细比限值的规定套用了国际标准(IS09652-3)长细比β=30的要求,没有考虑长短柱、细长柱的划分;(3)偏心率限值尚未明确,构造设计要求等也有待完善。2007年国家砌体结构设计规范修编组针对02版规范的修订,召开成立暨第一次工作会议,明确将上述问题列入规范修订重点及主要内容;为此,针对规范修订大纲及上述需解决的问题,本文做了如下主要工作: (1)研究配筋砌块砌体短柱轴心受压性能。通过8组18根配筋砌块砌体柱的轴压试验,对其受力性能和破坏特征等进行了研究,对比分析了配筋率对柱抗压性能的影响,提出了最大配筋率限值建议值,并对改变孔洞内放置钢筋数量、缩小箍筋间距、改变箍筋摆放位置对配筋砌块砌体柱抗压性能的影响进行了研究。将柱极限承载力规范公式计算值与试验结果进行了对比分析,验证了规范计算式的准确性与适用性。 (2)研究配筋砌块砌体短柱偏心受压性能。通过5组13根配筋砌块砌体短柱的偏压试验,对其受力性能和破坏特征等进行了研究,对比分析了偏心率对柱抗压性能的影响,提出了最大偏心率限值建议值;并基于配筋砌体受压构件承载力计算方法的基本假定与模式,在试验研究和理论分析的基础上,通过引入偏心距影响系数建立了配筋砌块砌体短柱极限承载力计算式。 (3)研究配筋砌块砌体长柱偏心受压性能。通过8组16根配筋砌块砌体柱的偏压试验,对其受力性能和破坏特征等进行了研究,提出长短柱的划分界限,并基于配筋砌体受压构件承载力计算方法的基本假定与模式,在试验研究和理论分析的基础上,通过引入综合考虑长细比与偏心率影响的系数建立了配筋砌块砌体长柱极限承载力计算式;对轴向力产生的附加偏心距进行了计算分析,提出了附加偏心距计算式。 (4)对砌块砌体的本构关系进行了探讨与研究,评述了国内外现有砌体本构关系研究成果,在砌体结构较为成熟的本构关系模型基础上,结合试验结果,提出了适用于灌芯砌块砌体的本构关系计算式。应用ANSYS有限元分析软件对配筋砌块砌体长柱进行数值模拟,将试验数据与数值计算结果进行对比,验证了利用非线性有限元方法对配筋砌块砌体长柱进行数值模拟的正确性。
[Abstract]:Reinforced block columns have been included in the 2002 edition of masonry structure design code, after several years of application, accumulated a lot of experience, It is also found that there are some problems: (1) the calculation method of axial compressive capacity of reinforced block columns is based on the model of non-reinforced masonry when introduced, and the experimental data are only used as confirmations and lack of theoretical basis; The calculation method of eccentrically compressive bearing capacity has not been given at present. (2) the criterion for the limit value of the slenderness ratio of members is applied to the international standard (IS09652-3) with the requirement of 尾 = 30, without considering the division of long and short columns and slender columns; (3) the eccentricity limit has not yet been clearly defined, and the requirements for structural design have yet to be perfected. In 2007, the National Code for the Design of masonry structures was revised in accordance with the 2002 edition of the Code, and the establishment and the first working meeting were held. Explicitly include the above-mentioned issues in the focus and main content of the revision of the norms; The main work of this paper is as follows: (1) the axial compression behavior of reinforced block masonry short columns is studied. Based on the axial compression test of 18 reinforced block columns in 8 groups, the mechanical properties and failure characteristics of the columns are studied. The influence of reinforcement ratio on the compressive behavior of columns is compared and analyzed, and the recommended value of maximum reinforcement ratio limit value is put forward. The effects of changing the number of steel bars placed in the holes, reducing the spacing of stirrups and changing the placement position of stirrups on the compressive behavior of reinforced block columns were studied. The accuracy and applicability of the code formula for the ultimate bearing capacity of columns are verified by comparing and analyzing the calculated values of the code formula with the test results. (2) the eccentric compression behavior of reinforced block masonry short columns is studied. Based on the biasing test of 13 reinforced block masonry short columns in 5 groups, the mechanical properties and failure characteristics of the columns are studied. The influence of eccentricity on the compressive performance of columns is compared and analyzed, and the proposed value of maximum eccentricity limit is put forward. Based on the basic assumptions and models of the calculation method for the bearing capacity of reinforced masonry members under compression, and on the basis of experimental research and theoretical analysis, a formula for calculating the ultimate bearing capacity of reinforced block masonry short columns is established by introducing eccentricity influence coefficient. (3) the eccentric compression behavior of reinforced block masonry columns is studied. Based on the biasing test of 16 reinforced block columns in 8 groups, the mechanical behavior and failure characteristics of the columns are studied, and the dividing limits of the long and short columns are put forward. Based on the basic assumptions and models of the calculation method for the bearing capacity of the compressive members of reinforced masonry, On the basis of experimental research and theoretical analysis, a formula for calculating the ultimate bearing capacity of reinforced block masonry long columns is established by introducing the coefficient considering the effect of slenderness ratio and eccentricity. The additional eccentricity caused by axial force is calculated and analyzed, and the formula for calculating additional eccentricity is put forward. (4) the constitutive relation of block masonry is discussed and studied, and the existing research results of constitutive relation of masonry at home and abroad are reviewed. On the basis of the mature constitutive relation model of masonry structure, combined with the test results, The calculation formula of constitutive relation suitable for pouring core block masonry is put forward. The numerical simulation of reinforced block masonry long columns is carried out by using ANSYS finite element analysis software. The experimental data are compared with the numerical results, and the correctness of the numerical simulation of reinforced block masonry long columns by nonlinear finite element method is verified.
[Abstract]:Reinforced block columns have been included in the 2002 edition of masonry structure design code, after several years of application, accumulated a lot of experience, It is also found that there are some problems: (1) the calculation method of axial compressive capacity of reinforced block columns is based on the model of non-reinforced masonry when introduced, and the experimental data are only used as confirmations and lack of theoretical basis; The calculation method of eccentrically compressive bearing capacity has not been given at present. (2) the criterion for the limit value of the slenderness ratio of members is applied to the international standard (IS09652-3) with the requirement of 尾 = 30, without considering the division of long and short columns and slender columns; (3) the eccentricity limit has not yet been clearly defined, and the requirements for structural design have yet to be perfected. In 2007, the National Code for the Design of masonry structures was revised in accordance with the 2002 edition of the Code, and the establishment and the first working meeting were held. Explicitly include the above-mentioned issues in the focus and main content of the revision of the norms; The main work of this paper is as follows: (1) the axial compression behavior of reinforced block masonry short columns is studied. Based on the axial compression test of 18 reinforced block columns in 8 groups, the mechanical properties and failure characteristics of the columns are studied. The influence of reinforcement ratio on the compressive behavior of columns is compared and analyzed, and the recommended value of maximum reinforcement ratio limit value is put forward. The effects of changing the number of steel bars placed in the holes, reducing the spacing of stirrups and changing the placement position of stirrups on the compressive behavior of reinforced block columns were studied. The accuracy and applicability of the code formula for the ultimate bearing capacity of columns are verified by comparing and analyzing the calculated values of the code formula with the test results. (2) the eccentric compression behavior of reinforced block masonry short columns is studied. Based on the biasing test of 13 reinforced block masonry short columns in 5 groups, the mechanical properties and failure characteristics of the columns are studied. The influence of eccentricity on the compressive performance of columns is compared and analyzed, and the proposed value of maximum eccentricity limit is put forward. Based on the basic assumptions and models of the calculation method for the bearing capacity of reinforced masonry members under compression, and on the basis of experimental research and theoretical analysis, a formula for calculating the ultimate bearing capacity of reinforced block masonry short columns is established by introducing eccentricity influence coefficient. (3) the eccentric compression behavior of reinforced block masonry columns is studied. Based on the biasing test of 16 reinforced block columns in 8 groups, the mechanical behavior and failure characteristics of the columns are studied, and the dividing limits of the long and short columns are put forward. Based on the basic assumptions and models of the calculation method for the bearing capacity of the compressive members of reinforced masonry, On the basis of experimental research and theoretical analysis, a formula for calculating the ultimate bearing capacity of reinforced block masonry long columns is established by introducing the coefficient considering the effect of slenderness ratio and eccentricity. The additional eccentricity caused by axial force is calculated and analyzed, and the formula for calculating additional eccentricity is put forward. (4) the constitutive relation of block masonry is discussed and studied, and the existing research results of constitutive relation of masonry at home and abroad are reviewed. On the basis of the mature constitutive relation model of masonry structure, combined with the test results, The calculation formula of constitutive relation suitable for pouring core block masonry is put forward. The numerical simulation of reinforced block masonry long columns is carried out by using ANSYS finite element analysis software. The experimental data are compared with the numerical results, and the correctness of the numerical simulation of reinforced block masonry long columns by nonlinear finite element method is verified.
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