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发布时间:2019-05-12 02:52
【摘要】:随着我国经济建设进入快速发展阶段,工程结构也正向超大化、复杂化方向发展,钢结构在建筑工程中的应用也越来越广泛,钢结构施工过程中焊接质量越来越受到大家关注,显然,这些焊接结构必须是高质量的,否则,运行中出现事故必将造成惨重的损失。 虽然迅速发展的现代焊接技术已能在很大程度上保证其产品质量,但由于焊接接头的组织性能分布不均匀,应力分布非常复杂,制造过程中做不到绝对的不产生焊接缺陷,更不能排除产品在役运行中出现新的缺陷。因而为获得可靠的焊接结构就必须对焊接质量进行严格的控制。焊接质量控制由焊前质量控制、焊接过程中质量控制和焊后成品质量控制这三部分组成。在焊前质量控制阶段,本文重点阐述了焊接工艺规程,焊接工艺评定,焊工资认证,焊材选用,储存方面的内容,其是焊接质量控制的理论依据,是保证焊接质量前提,必须确保这些指导性文件的准确。在焊接过程中质量控制方面本文重点阐述了各方人员,主要是焊接操作人员,质检人员必须严格按照相关文件执行,确保焊接质量。在焊后成品质量控制阶段,本文重点阐述无损检测技术方面的内容,这是保证焊接质量的最后一道关口;同时,还重点介绍了焊接缺陷的分类,产生原因以及预防措施等,只有充分了解焊接缺陷的产生原因,做好预防工作,采取切实有效的控制措施,才能减少缺陷的产生,确保产品焊接的高质量。结果表明,随着新技术的不断出现,人员职业化的不断加强,对于焊接工艺,焊接设备,焊材,检验仪器设备的持续改进,影响焊接的各种不良因素必将得到进一步控制,从而可获得高质量的焊接结构产品。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economic construction in our country, the engineering structure is also developing in the direction of superfluous and complicated. The application of steel structure in construction engineering is becoming more and more extensive, and the welding quality of steel structure has been paid more and more attention in the process of steel structure construction. Obviously, these welding structures must be of high quality, otherwise, accidents in operation will cause heavy losses. Although the rapidly developing modern welding technology has been able to ensure the quality of its products to a great extent, because of the uneven distribution of microstructure and properties of welded joints and the complexity of stress distribution, it can not be done absolutely without welding defects in the manufacturing process. We can not rule out the new defects in the in-service operation of the product. Therefore, in order to obtain reliable welding structure, it is necessary to strictly control the welding quality. Welding quality control consists of pre-welding quality control, welding process quality control and post-welding finished product quality control. In the stage of pre-welding quality control, this paper focuses on the welding process specification, welding process evaluation, welding salary certification, welding material selection and storage, which is the theoretical basis of welding quality control and the premise of ensuring welding quality. The accuracy of these guidance documents must be ensured. In the aspect of quality control in welding process, this paper focuses on the personnel of all parties, mainly welding operators, quality inspectors must be carried out in strict accordance with the relevant documents to ensure welding quality. In the stage of quality control of finished products after welding, this paper focuses on the content of nondestructive testing technology, which is the last pass to ensure welding quality. At the same time, it also focuses on the classification, causes and preventive measures of welding defects. Only by fully understanding the causes of welding defects, doing a good job of prevention and taking practical and effective control measures, can the occurrence of defects be reduced. Ensure high quality welding of products. The results show that with the continuous emergence of new technology and the continuous strengthening of personnel professionalization, all kinds of bad factors affecting welding will be further controlled for the continuous improvement of welding technology, welding equipment, welding materials and inspection instruments and equipment. Thus, high quality welding structure products can be obtained.


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