[Abstract]:With the acceleration of China's progress towards an economic power, the quality of life of the people has been rapidly improved, and the requirements for living conditions have become more and more stringent. The comfort of the good living environment is maintained by HVAC system. Therefore, the higher the comfort means the higher the energy consumption, which leads to the surge of building energy consumption in our country, and the building energy consumption accounts for a large proportion of the total energy consumption in our country. Since the 11th five-year Plan, the state has advocated energy conservation and emission reduction. Take the road of sustainable development, so how to reduce building energy consumption is our primary task. In the total building energy consumption, a good part of the energy consumption can still be saved by some means, it can be said that the building energy consumption energy saving potential is huge, for the air conditioning system, we can optimize the configuration of the air conditioning system. Reasonable control strategy and strict control system are put forward to achieve the purpose of energy saving. In this paper, some basic knowledge of variable air volume air conditioning system is introduced, including the principle, type, characteristics and control part of variable air volume air conditioning system. In addition, the simulation software TRNSYS and the mathematical model of each equipment in VAV air conditioning system are also introduced in order to facilitate the establishment of air conditioning system model and put forward a good control strategy. Then a three-story building model is built by using TRNbuild in TRNSYS software, and the VAV air conditioning system model is constructed in TRNSYS, and two different VAV air conditioning system control strategies are worked out for the same building model. The implementation process and method of each control strategy in TRNSYS-Studio are introduced in detail. Finally, under the premise of achieving indoor comfortable living environment (of course, the indoor comfort is different under different control strategies, this paper also makes a comparative analysis of the design day indoor temperature under different control strategies). The partial energy consumption and total energy consumption of each equipment under two different control strategies are compared and analyzed. the results show that the energy saving effect of optimal control is 20% higher than that of general control, and the energy saving effect of chillers and boilers is not obvious. The energy saving rates are 18% and 15%, respectively. The energy saving rates of fans, pumps and other equipment are 32% and 30%, respectively. Through this simulation process, it can provide reference and reference for the design or optimal operation of VAV air conditioning control system in practical engineering.
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