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发布时间:2019-07-05 08:01
【摘要】:后锚固技术是指通过相关技术手段将被连接件连接到已有结构上的技术。后锚固技术在欧美等国家已经得到广泛的应用,开展了大量系统的试验研究,取得了丰富的成果,并制定了相应的认证标准及规范。我国后锚固技术研究相对较晚,2004年分别颁布实施了第一本行业工程标准《混凝土结构后锚固技术规程》JGJ145-2004和行业产品标准《混凝土用膨胀型、扩孔型建筑锚栓》JG160-2004。近年来混凝土结构后锚固技术的应用越来越多,技术也不断进步。根据我国后锚固技术的发展和目前工程建设需要,2011年住房和城乡建设部下达了《混凝土结构后锚固技术规程》JGJ145-2004修订任务。结合JGJ145-2004的修订,,修订组开展了一系列的试验研究。本文针对后锚固技术的抗震性能及施工允许偏差进行了试验研究是其系列研究的部分内容。本文有关试验研究内容及试验研究的结论如下: 1.归纳总结了有关后锚固技术的既有研究成果。并对工程常用后锚固技术产品之膨胀型锚栓,扩底型锚栓,化学锚栓和植筋的主要破坏状态及影响锚栓受力性能的主要因素进行了归纳。 2.对膨胀型锚栓,扩底型锚栓,普通化学锚栓三种锚栓进行抗震性能试验研究,观察锚栓破坏状态,分析锚栓在动力荷载作用下受力性能。结果表明,膨胀型锚栓和普通化学锚栓在动力荷载作用下的破坏状态与静力荷载作用下的破坏状态不同,并且承载力也有较大幅度的降低,其抗震性能较差,应限制在地震设防区的应用。扩底型锚栓在动力荷载作用下的名义屈服承载力相比静力加载极限承载力降低了约16%,建议扩底型锚栓在地震作用下锚固承载力降低系数取0.8。 3.对膨胀型锚栓、化学锚栓及扩底型锚栓分别进行不同清孔程度、孔深偏差、以及孔径偏差下锚栓受拉试验,研究施工偏差对锚栓性能的影响。试验结果表明,孔内灰尘对三种锚栓受拉性能影响较大,其承载力均有不同幅度降低。膨胀型锚栓及扩底型锚栓在孔深减小5mm、10mm时受拉承载力均有不同程度降低,膨胀型锚栓在孔深增加5mm、10mm时的受拉承载力没有变化,从安全角度考虑,建议将膨胀型、扩底型锚栓钻孔深度偏差允许值由原规程规定限值+10mm调整为+5mm。M12膨胀型锚栓在孔径正偏差小于0.3mm时受拉承载力基本不变,在孔径正偏差为0.5mm及以上时受拉承载力降低,建议将直径为12mm锚栓的孔径允许偏差值由原规范规定限值0.5mm调整为0.3mm。
[Abstract]:Post-anchoring technology refers to the technology that is connected to the existing structure by relevant technical means. Post-anchoring technology has been widely used in Europe and the United States and other countries. A large number of systematic experimental studies have been carried out, a wealth of results have been obtained, and the corresponding certification standards and specifications have been formulated. The research on post-anchoring technology in China is relatively late. In 2004, the first industry standard "Technical Specification for Post anchoring of concrete structures" JGJ145-2004 and the industry product standard "expansion type, reaming type building anchor bolt > JG160-2004." were promulgated and implemented respectively. In recent years, there are more and more applications and progress of post-anchoring technology for concrete structures. According to the development of post-anchoring technology in China and the needs of current engineering construction, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Construction issued the JGJ145-2004 revision task of "Technical Specification for Post-anchoring of concrete structures" in 2011. Combined with the revision of JGJ145-2004, the revision team carried out a series of experimental studies. In this paper, the experimental study on the seismic performance and construction allowable deviation of post-anchoring technology is part of its series of research. In this paper, the contents of the experimental research and the conclusions of the experimental research are as follows: 1. The existing research results of post-anchoring technology are summarized. The main failure states of expansion anchor bolt, expanded bottom anchor bolt, chemical anchor bolt and reinforcement planting and the main factors affecting the mechanical properties of anchor bolt are summarized. two銆




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