本文关键词:井漏智能识别及处理决策研究 出处:《西南石油大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 井漏 实时识别 界标模型 案例推理 决策分析
【摘要】:井漏事故是钻井作业过程中常见的风险之一,因其多发性和危害严重性的特点,一直是石油领域研究的热点。但是目前国内外对井漏事故的识别往往是根据录井过程中录井参数总池体积和流量差的变化来判别井漏是否发生及严重程度,受限于泥浆池面过大,通常只有当异常体积达到2.2m~3时才会识别出井漏,识别的准确性很大程度上依赖仪器的精度,也增加了现场工程师的工作量;同时录井过程迟到时间和置换性漏失的存在也会影响到井漏识别的实时性和准确性。对井漏事故的处理往往也是依靠现场专家的经验,主观性较强,造成了以往井漏处理案例的损失。为此,本文在分析现有井漏实时识别和处理决策方法不足的基础上,提出了采用人工智能分析方法,通过构建数学模型来实现井漏的实时识别与处理决策。通过构建井漏故障树分析了井漏事故发生的根本原因及影响因素,利用现场采集到的综合录井数据本文总结了井漏发生之前征兆参数的变化及井漏发生时表征参数的变化规律。将井漏识别分为两个过程:第一个阶段为基于井漏机理和现场收集到的数据确定井漏识别的参数;第二个阶段根据设定的井漏表征参数进行井漏漏失类型及严重程度的判别分析。将智能决策分为两个过程:第一个阶段根据设定的检索模型检索出相对应的井漏事故;第二个阶段依据所建立的决策模型确定最优的决策处理方案。不同的井漏类型在录井过程中对应不同的录井特征曲线,本文以曲线形态作为井漏识别的出发点构建了井漏实时识别模型。鉴于界标模型在判别两条曲线相似性的优越性,本文将界标模型应用到录井曲线的相似性判别上,构建了井漏类别标准曲线,在曲线相似性判别的基础上实现井漏事故的实时识别并为随后的井漏处理决策提供决策依据。基于规则推理的传统智能决策方法,虽然知识表示形式简单、直观,但是当问题的规模和复杂度增加的时候,规则的一致性则难以检验和保证、推理效率低下和不符合人类认知规律的缺点将暴露出来。基于案例的推理是一种基于记忆、利用以往求解类似问题的实例或经验来处理当前问题的推理过程,符合钻井专家决策时的认知过程,实验表明本文利用案例推理理论可以有效提高复杂问题的求解效率,适合求解钻井工程决策问题。在建立的井漏智能识别及处理决策模型的基础上,采用微软公司的Visual Studio 2010编程软件和SQLServer 2008数据库管理平台开发了相应软件,通过实验室仿真分析,结果表明使用该软件能够实现井漏实时识别并为堵漏提供决策方法。
[Abstract]:Well leakage accidents is one of the common risks in the process of drilling, because of its multiple and destructive characteristics, has been a hot research field. But the identification of oil at home and abroad on the accident of well leak is often based on logging logging parameters of the total pool volume and flow changes to determine whether well leak the occurrence and severity, confined to the mud pool surface is too large, usually only when the abnormal volume reaches 2.2m~3 will identify well leakage, the recognition accuracy depends largely on the precision of the instrument, also increased the workload of engineers; at the same time the process of logging time and replacement leakage there will also affect the wells in real time and the accuracy of recognition. The treatment of leakage accident of well leak often rely on expert experience, subjectivity, resulting in the loss of well leakage treatment case. Therefore, based on the analysis of the existing Well leakage real-time identification and treatment decision method, proposed the use of artificial intelligence analysis, real-time identification and treatment decision by building a mathematical model to realize the well leak. By constructing well leakage fault tree analysis of well leakage accident reason and influence factors, and summarizes the change of wells wells leakage occurs before the sign parameters by using the integrated logging data we collected at the scene of the leakage occurs. The parameters of well leakage recognition process is divided into two parts: the first stage is well leak mechanism and field data collected to determine the well leak recognition based on parameters; second stages according to the discriminant analysis set well leakage characterization parameters of well leakage leakage types and severity. The intelligent decision process is divided into two parts: the first stage according to the retrieval model to retrieve the corresponding well leakage accidents; second stages Decision of optimum scheme decision model based on the different types of wells. The corresponding logging curve of different leakage in logging process, based on the curve as the starting point for building well leak recognition wells leakage real-time recognition model. In view of the superiority of the landmark model is similar in distinguishing the two curves, this paper will a model used to judge the similarity of the logging curve, build well leakage category standard curve in real time curve similar recognition based on the identification of implementation of well leakage accidents and subsequent wells provide decision basis for decision-making. The traditional leakage intelligent decision method based on rule reasoning, although knowledge representation form is simple and intuitive. But when the scale and complexity of the problem increases, consistent rules are difficult to verify, reasoning efficiency and does not comply with the laws of cognitive disadvantages will be exposed . case based reasoning is a memory based reasoning process to deal with the current problems of solving the similar problems by previous example or experience, in line with the cognitive process of drilling expert decision-making, experiments show that the use of case-based reasoning theory can effectively improve the efficiency of solving complex ask questions, suitable for solving engineering problems. The basic decision of drilling leakage intelligent recognition and treatment decision model established in the wells, the Microsoft Corp Visual Studio 2010 software and SQLServer 2008 database management platform for the development of the corresponding software, through laboratory simulation and analysis results show that the use of this software can realize the real-time identification of well leakage and provide decision method for plugging.
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