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发布时间:2018-01-17 13:35

  本文关键词:页岩气超临界吸附研究进展 出处:《科技导报》2017年15期  论文类型:期刊论文

  更多相关文章: 页岩气 超临界 等温吸附 过剩吸附量 绝对吸附量

[Abstract]:Supercritical adsorption refers to the adsorption of gas on solid surface when the critical temperature is above the critical temperature. Under the condition of formation temperature, methane adsorption in shale is supercritical adsorption. Adsorption gas is an important part of shale gas. The study of supercritical adsorption of shale gas is of great significance for the evaluation of shale gas reserves and the preparation of development plans. This paper reviews the progress in the research of supercritical adsorption of shale gas at home and abroad. The results show that the methane adsorption capacity of the shale is much smaller than that of coal in order to meet the requirements of shale adsorption capacity testing. For the volumetric adsorption instrument, a higher precision pressure sensor should be installed. For gravimetric adsorption instrument, a higher precision maglev balance should be provided. 2) the adsorption capacity measured by isothermal adsorption experiment is excess adsorption capacity, and excess adsorption capacity will decrease after reaching a certain pressure. In evaluating the adsorption capacity of shale, the excess adsorption capacity and absolute adsorption capacity should not be confused. This will seriously underestimate the adsorption capacity of shale under stratigraphic conditions; 3) the adsorption of shale gas is confronted with the contradiction between theory and practice and the problem of disjoint. The study of supercritical adsorption of shale gas should start from the theoretical and experimental aspects, and deepen the understanding of the characteristics of supercritical adsorption of shale gas. A universal supercritical adsorption theory for shale gas was established.
【作者单位】: 中国石油勘探开发研究院廊坊分院;中国石油非常规油气重点实验室;
【正文快照】: 近年来,随着非常规油气勘探开发的深入,人们发现页岩具备储集丰富的油气资源而突破了将其作为盖层和烃源岩的传统认识[1-3]。美国和加拿大成功实现了页岩气的商业化开采,使得全球页岩气的研究与勘探开发进入了高潮,掀起了一场页岩气革命[1-6]。与北美相比,中国页岩气勘探开发


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