本文关键词: 三维地质导向 地质工程一体化 非常规水平井 钻井品质 页岩气 致密油 出处:《中国石油勘探》2017年01期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:With the production of horizontal wells in unconventional oil and gas reservoirs, the cost is reduced, and the demand for efficiency is increased. Geological engineering integration has become an indispensable exploration and development strategy. Unconventional horizontal well drilling is faced with many challenges from geology and engineering. In order to achieve productivity breakthrough and benefit development. Due to the actual demand of cost reduction and early production, unconventional oil and gas reservoirs mostly use horizontal wells for early development. Geological uncertainty not only affects the drilling rate of horizontal wells, but also increases the construction risk. Under the guiding ideology of factory and intensive well layout, it is inevitable that the long displacement 3D well with complicated trajectory is inevitable, which further increases the difficulty of drilling operation. Only by adopting the highly efficient geological guidance method and optimizing the horizontal well trajectory can the drilling risk be reduced and the well completion revamping be effective at the same time as the dessert-drilling rate is guaranteed. Realizing benefit development. Three-dimensional geological guidance is a new guidance method based on the concept of integration of geological engineering. The core of it is reconstruction of geological guidance model and high-precision three-dimensional geological modeling, giving play to the advantages of "well factory". The horizontal well is used as the control to improve the precision of the model, which provides the support for the design optimization of the pre-drilling trajectory, the prediction of the real drilled formation and the pre-adjustment of the trajectory. The three-dimensional geological guidance is an independent geological guidance method independent of the logging tools while drilling. The drilling cost can be significantly reduced and good results have been obtained in the drilling practice of shale gas and tight oil horizontal wells in China.
【作者单位】: 中国石油集团川庆钻探工程有限公司川东钻探公司;中国石油浙江油田公司;能新科(西安)油气技术有限公司;中国石油新疆油田公司;
【正文快照】: 常规油气田开发中地质研究往往扮演着指导工程施工的角色,而工程施工的主要任务是为地质研究服务并实现地质目标。非常规油气田开发面临更艰巨的工程任务,其产量和效益更大程度上决定于工程质量,特别是水平井钻井具有更多的困难和挑战。因此地质研究需要向支持工程的方向去转
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