本文选题:裂缝 切入点:新肇油田 出处:《东北石油大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the development and utilization of petroleum and natural gas resources, the reserves of conventional porous reservoirs are gradually reduced, the fractured reservoirs have been extensively exploited in recent years, and the research results have increased gradually, but the original porosity is different. The permeability is very low, and the permeability of fracture developing zone is very high. Because of the heterogeneity of the development and distribution of reservoir and permeability, the reservoir performance is very different in different parts of the same reservoir. Therefore, the key problem of development is the study of natural fractures. Due to the development of near east-west natural fractures in the grape flower beds of Xinzhao Oilfield, after water injection, the wells in the direction of fracture development see water earlier, and the water cut rises quickly after seeing water. Oil wells with undeveloped fractures suffer from poor water injection efficiency, fast production decline, and no obvious effect of adjustment. This study takes Gaohua formation of Xinzhao Oilfield as an example, taking description of reservoir, structure, fracture and remaining oil as the main line, using 3D earthquake and regional sedimentation. Logging, logging, core, passive microseismic and production performance data, comprehensive reservoir description, conventional logging identification, 3D geological modeling and reservoir numerical simulation to describe the distribution of reservoir, On the basis of fracture distribution law and residual oil distribution law, considering the distribution characteristics of fracture and remaining oil, the residual oil potential of Gaohua formation machine recovery well area of Xinzhao Oilfield is realized. On the basis of collecting and sorting out the research results of geological characteristics of Xinzhao Oilfield, taking reservoir and fracture study as the main line, according to the criteria of dividing sedimentary microfacies, Xinzhao grape flower layer is divided from 11 layers into 15 sedimentary units. Combined with conventional logging, passive microseismic and other fracture interpretation results, and the dynamic reflection of fractures in the process of water injection development, a conventional logging curve is established to distinguish fractures. Based on the research of fracture, taking the 3D geological model of dual medium and the law of residual oil distribution as the main line, the reservoir numerical simulation method is used to combine the results of dynamic and static split single well single layer remaining oil. According to the result of remaining oil distribution, 87 infill wells are arranged, of which 84 wells, 3 wells, and 18.53 recovery factors are estimated. The recovery rate is 3.31% higher than that of the original scheme.
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