本文选题:天然气工业 切入点:经济增长 出处:《江西财经大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:在莫桑比克,天然气首次大规模商业化生产是在2004年。近期,罗瓦马盆地天然气的发现,使得莫桑比克成为世界天然气储量最高的十大国家之一。莫桑比克人对此表现出高度的期待,因为这将有助于莫桑比克的社会经济发展,缓解莫桑比克的经济困难,从而提高人民的生活水平。人们对天然气的使用增多,得益于它可以n少二氧化碳排放量和其他污染物,这也符合对温室气体排放的限制政策。本研究调查了1999年至2015年期间天然气工业的动态和莫桑比克的经济增长。数据来自世界银行编制的索引孟迪。本文采用Eviews 7.2软件进行误差校正模型分析。分析显示,从长期来看,天然气工业、出口、劳务与经济增长正相关。在短期的关系中,天然气行业对经济增长有着重要的积极影响,而出口和劳动力则对经济增长的影响较小。同时,研究发现,在另一方面,出口和劳务也会相互影响:出口增加导致对整体劳务的增加,反之亦然。这些结果的含义是,政府应该实施天然气行业的增长政策,因为这将刺激经济增长,而经济增长又会促进出口,在国内创造更多的就业机会。在莫桑比克,天然气行业将在2022年开始在罗瓦马盆地生产天然气的过程中发生巨大变化,并将对未来的莫桑比克经济增长起到重要作用。因此,政府在评估天然气行业时应该严格遵守透明度原则;不仅要确保这一自然资源能为经济增长作出重大贡献,而且要确保其勘探是可持续的。与天然气行业相关的招标、许可、谈判、签约,以及签订提取的数据、产品价格和所收取的收入的协议,在所有的评估阶段的程序都必须是透明的。因为它可以防止责任纠纷,从而防止发生Qg部冲突。对于莫桑比克天然气工业的发展,本文提出以下建议:(i)为天然气行业发展创造有利的环境,增强投资者的信心,包括n少监管障碍;(ii)促进当地中小企业参与罗瓦马盆地天然气项目开发,为他们获得商机创造条件;(iii)完善适用于莫桑比克天然气工业发展的法律和体制机制;(四)支持对可能的腐败行为实行零容忍政策;(五)按照环保规定,促进天然气的可持续勘探。这项研究填补了莫桑比克天然气行业动态和经济增长的文献空白。未来的研究应重点关注天然气的需求和供应、价格监管和利益相关者在罗瓦马盆地天然气项目中的作用。
[Abstract]:In Mozambique, the first large-scale commercial production of natural gas was in 2004.The recent discovery of natural gas in the Rovama basin has made Mozambique one of the top ten largest gas reserves in the world.Mozambicans have high expectations, because it will help Mozambique's socio-economic development, ease Mozambique's economic difficulties, and thus improve the living standards of the people.The use of natural gas has increased thanks to its ability to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and other pollutants, which is also in line with greenhouse gas emissions restrictions.This study investigates the dynamics of the natural gas industry and Mozambique's economic growth from 1999 to 2015.The data came from an index compiled by the World Bank, Mendi.In this paper, Eviews 7.2 software is used to analyze the error correction model.Analysis shows that, in the long run, natural gas industry, exports, labor and economic growth are positively related.In the short-term relationship, the natural gas industry has an important positive impact on economic growth, while exports and labor have less impact on economic growth.At the same time, the study found that, on the other hand, exports and services also interact: the increase in exports leads to an increase in overall services, and vice versa.The implication of these results is that the government should implement a growth policy for the natural gas industry, which will stimulate economic growth, which in turn will boost exports and create more jobs at home.In Mozambique, the gas industry is set to start producing natural gas in the Rovama basin in 2022 and will play an important role in Mozambique's future economic growth.Therefore, the government should strictly observe the principle of transparency in assessing the natural gas industry; not only to ensure that this natural resource can make a significant contribution to economic growth, but also to ensure that its exploration is sustainable.Bidding, licensing, negotiation, contracting, and agreements to extract data, product prices, and revenue collected in relation to the natural gas industry must be transparent at all stages of assessment.Because it can prevent liability disputes, thus preventing the occurrence of QG part conflict.For the development of the Mozambican natural gas industry, this paper puts forward the following suggestions: (1) create a favourable environment for the development of the natural gas industry and enhance the confidence of investors.Including a few regulatory barriers to promoting the participation of local small and medium-sized enterprises in the development of natural gas projects in the Loyama Basin,(IV) support for a zero-tolerance policy on possible acts of corruption / (v) in accordance with environmental protection regulations; (v) improve the legal and institutional mechanisms applicable to the development of the Mozambican natural gas industry; (iv) support the policy of zero tolerance for possible acts of corruption; and (v) comply with environmental regulations,Promote sustainable exploration of natural gas.The study fills the gap in the literature on Mozambican natural gas industry dynamics and economic growth.Future research should focus on the demand and supply of natural gas, price regulation and the role of stakeholders in the Rovama Basin gas project.
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