本文选题:浅池原理 切入点:油水两相流体 出处:《中国石油大学(华东)》2015年博士论文
[Abstract]:The inclined pipe unit oil removal tank is a gravity sewage treatment device based on "shallow pool principle", which has the advantages of high oil removal efficiency and small area.Through gravity separation of oil-water mixture, accumulation of discrete oil phase in multiple sets of inclined pipes (groups), floating rise and other mechanisms, the oil-water mixture is separated, which belongs to a typical fluid-structure coupling mechanical system.The related research involves a series of basic mechanics problems, such as oil-water two-phase medium flow, fluid-structure coupling, oil-water two-phase separation and floatation.The main contents include: (1) based on the structural characteristics of the oil removal tank, a fluid structural mechanical model is established for the quantitative study of the basic mechanical properties of the oil removal tank structure, including the oil-water two-phase flow / separation.The numerical simulation model of fluid and structure of the oil tank device of inclined tube group is established by using specialized grid software ICEM-CFD. The fine hexahedron mesh model and composite mesh technology are used to simulate the fluid and structure of the oil tank device.This paper deals with the coupling between fluid and structure interface, and the compatibility of numerical models of pipe, beam and plate structures. The fluid dynamics simulation software FLUENT is used to calculate the oil-water two-phase flow parameters in the oil removal tank of inclined pipe group.In this paper, the effect of buffer rectifier water distribution plate is analyzed, and the influence of inlet flow rate on the flow field parameters of the device is studied. (4) combined with fluid-structure coupling model and Workbench fluid-solid coupling simulation technology,In this paper, the structural response of the inclined tube unit deoiling tank under the action of fluid is studied, and the inlet flow rate during the operation of the device is calculated respectively.The hydrodynamic parameters, structural deformation and oil / water separation efficiency produced by the parameters of liquid sloshing and inclined angle change of inclined pipe group during the process of moving and hoisting of the device are used in the integrated slant tube group oil removal tank to set up oil-water two-phase fluid parameters.On the basis of the fluid-structure action and dynamic response, the optimum design of the oil removal tank structure of the inclined pipe group is carried out. The improved device has achieved good results in improving the efficiency of oil-water separation and strengthening the safety performance of the structure.
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