本文选题:港口 切入点:船舶 出处:《大连理工大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the increasingly frequent activities of modern marine development, the amount of offshore oil development and transportation is increasing, and high revenue brings high risk, followed by the risk of oil spills from port ships is gradually increasing.The oil spill accident of port ships has become one of the main factors of marine environmental pollution, which has caused great impact on the marine ecosystem, and has caused serious harm to the ecological environment along the port and the social economy near the port.Therefore, carrying out the environmental risk assessment of port ship oil spill will be beneficial to the risk prevention and management of port oil spill accident, and has theoretical guidance and practical significance for the decision makers and managers of port area.The main contents of this paper are as follows: (1) on the basis of the research progress in the field of environmental risk assessment of port oil spill accidents at home and abroad, combined with the problems existing in the environmental risk assessment of port oil spill accidents in China, the environmental impact assessment has been established.Based on the theory of environmental management, the environmental risk assessment system of ship oil spill accident based on analogy analysis method, mathematical model method, probability and mathematical statistics method and computer programming technology.The system consists of the necessity of perfecting environmental risk assessment in port construction, the identification of oil spill accident risk sources, and the analysis of risk sources.Combining with the environmental characteristics of Dalian Newport, starting with the planning, construction and operation management of Dalian Newport, the environmental risk assessment system of oil spill accident is used.The environmental risk of oil spill accident in Dalian Newport is forecasted and evaluated.The prediction and evaluation results show that with the rapid development of the shipping industry in Dalian Newport, there is a risk of oil spill accident in Dalian Newport, which can not be ignored, from perfecting the port management system, strengthening the supervision and management, and improving the transportation conditions,In order to reduce the marine environment and ecological environment around Dalian New Port, the risk prevention measures are put forward in order to reduce the marine environment and ecological environment caused by the oil spill accident.
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