本文选题:顶驱试验台 + 工艺流程 ; 参考:《中国石油大学(华东)》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of top drive production and application, the importance of new production and after overhaul top drive testing is becoming more and more prominent. However, there is not a set of widely used type test bed, facing the urgent need of production practice. In this paper, a system top drive test rig is designed. On the basis of statistics of existing top drive parameters on a large scale, the technical standard of the test bed is determined by the principle of optimization, and the overall mechanism of the test bed is designed, and its 3D model diagram is made. According to the test requirements, the detailed technological process of the test bench is worked out. The whole structure of the test-bed consists of two parts: one part is the tension test system, including the tractor, the hook, the fixing device and the bench, etc. The main body is supported by the bench, the lower fixing device holds the main shaft, the puller takes the ball screw pair as the main member, and the other part is the torque testing system, which includes a cross universal coupling, a speed box, a torque sensor and a measuring instrument. Brake device, eddy current brake and cooling device, etc. The torque of the rear system is reduced by increasing the speed of the speed box, the torque load in the actual process is simulated by the eddy current brake, and the specific values of the torque and the rotational speed are obtained by the torque sensor. In the process of design, the parameters of each important component are explained in detail, and the corresponding check is made, then the flow chart is drawn according to the technological process of the test bed, and the PLC manual control program and the automatic control program are designed for the execution of each part. The control system design of the test bed is completed.
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