本文选题:窜流 + 套损 ; 参考:《西安石油大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Through the investigation and analysis of the literature at home and abroad, it is found that with the extension of oil field development time and the implementation of various mining schemes, the channeling phenomenon is becoming more and more serious, affecting the normal production and development of the oil fields, causing great damage to the reservoir and great economic loss. Therefore, the effective monitoring of the formation and timely discovery of the formation have been made. It is very important to take measures to leak out the leakage layer and take measures. This paper first discusses the types and reasons of the leakage at home and abroad from two angles of horizontal and vertical points, introduces several conventional monitoring techniques, and discusses their respective conditions and advantages and disadvantages, and puts forward the use of well test technology to diagnose the outflow of casing. The horizontal direction is mainly using water cut. The rise velocity curve identifies the type of channeling channel, determines the type of water channeling, calculates the thickness, permeability and radius of the channeling channel, and further studies the analysis by the well test data, and uses the dimensionless pressure drop curve to identify the dominant flow channel between the injection well and the production well. The vertical upward flow is mainly through the flow channel. On the basis of the existing double permeability formation model, the double layer reservoir model of the casing flow is derived. Finally, the corresponding curve plate is drawn by the software. The sensitivity analysis of the curve is carried out by the parameters of the presupposition of multi group transformation. It is found that the reservoir permeability, the channeling coefficient and the epidermal factor all affect the characteristics of the curve. This model is selected by swift well testing software in 3 typical wells of A in the study area. The parameters of the reservoir are obtained. Combining with the existing test data comparison and analysis, it is found that it is feasible to use the well test technology to diagnose the channeling layer. Finally, several important links that cause the formation of the channeling layer are analyzed, and how to prevent the channeling effectively is discussed. How to deal with the occurrence and occurrence of the reservoirs in order to prevent the pollution of the reservoirs, and analyze them from the point of view of groundwater pollution.
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