本文选题:天然裂缝 + 地层压力 ; 参考:《东北石油大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In the process of long-term water injection, the low permeability fractured reservoir is closed in the original state, the filled natural fracture is excited, and the effective fracture path is produced by the resurrection of the reservoir. The existence of natural fractures affects the distribution of formation pressure and is not conducive to the drilling safety of adjustment wells. In order to solve this problem, considering the influence of natural fracture distribution, the distribution of formation pressure around water injection wells, shut-in wells and overflow pressure relief wells is studied based on the percolation ability of single natural fracture under different mechanical conditions. In this paper, the relationship between permeability and pressure variation in reservoirs with no fracture matrix and closed fracture is studied. Considering the influence of fracture height and fracture opening length, the relationship model between fracture pressure and fracture width is established based on the calculation model of fracture width. Based on the cubic law model of flow in a fracture, the relationship model of fracture equivalent permeability and formation pressure considering the fracture height and fracture opening length is obtained. Then, the distribution of natural fractures in reservoirs is described by means of fractal geometry. Based on the equivalent permeability superposition method of multiple groups of natural fractures, the distribution of natural fractures is considered. Dynamic change of formation permeability and formation pressure in low permeability fractured reservoir. In the model of formation pressure distribution considering the fluid-solid coupling effect, the distribution of formation pressure around injection wells, shut-in wells and overflow pressure wells in low permeability fractured reservoirs is calculated and analyzed. The results show that the permeability of low permeability fractured reservoir is affected by formation pressure, in-situ stress, occurrence of natural fractures, opening and closing state, and fracture shape. The low pressure conductivity of the distal natural fractures in closed state is the reason for the high average formation pressure in the near well zone of water injection wells, and the overflow and release pressure in the injection wells, and the closure of natural fractures in the near well zone hinders the flow of formation fluids to the wellhead. The efficiency of formation pressure passing through reverse discharge pressure at the far end of water injection well is reduced, and the effect of opening and closing of natural fracture is not considered, which will lead to low formation pressure in the well to be drilled. In order to predict the formation pressure of the overflowing pressure relief and adjustment well, the drilling fluid design should be guided by considering the distribution of formation pressure with natural fracture opening and closing. The study is helpful to clarify the distribution law of formation pressure after the development of low permeability fractured reservoir and the adjustment of oilfield development. It provides theoretical basis for drilling and cementing formation pressure prediction of low permeability fractured reservoir adjustment well.
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