本文选题:MG油田 + 输油管道设计 ; 参考:《东北石油大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Based on the experience of similar projects built at home and abroad, combined with the engineering, natural and environmental characteristics of this project, the overall level of pipeline design is determined in this paper, including: comparison and selection of oil transportation technology, Pipeline specification and material selection A combined station, heat pump station and C oil depot related process design. MG oil field is put into development. Because of the restriction of natural conditions, the oil and gas loss of the vehicle pulling and transporting mode is large, the safety and reliability is poor, the management is difficult, and the oil transportation cost is high. All these factors cause the increase of the crude oil production cost. The sustainable development strategy of oil field is seriously affected. In view of this problem, this paper carries on the optimization design of the crude oil pipeline and each station. This paper is based on the background of the oil pipeline project in MG oil field and related basic data, on the basis of detailed hydraulic and thermal calculation. In view of the high water content of crude oil in the pipeline section of the first station of A and B transportation, the pipeline transportation capacity of C oil depot in the first station of B and B is small, and the transportation quantity of purified oil in C oil depot decreases sharply in the later period, which results in the huge investment problem of pipeline and heat pump station. This paper puts forward the oil transportation technology scheme for A / B pipeline to transport purified oil in the early stage and the water-bearing crude oil for removing some water in the later stage. The oil transportation process scheme of the B / C pipeline is adopted in the early stage, and in the latter stage, the positive and negative transportation is adopted. At the same time, 16 kinds of different oil transportation schemes of A combined station -B outbound first station and 15 different oil transportation schemes of B outgoing first station -C oil depot station were optimized, and combined with the technical and economic comparison of oil transportation technology scheme, the optimal scheme was determined. In addition, in order to meet the requirements of pipeline transportation, a reasonable station and yard process is designed, and a technically feasible and economically reasonable design scheme is determined for the pipeline.
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