[Abstract]:Deepwater exploration has been developed for more than 40 years since 1975. Its exploration and discovery process can be divided into three stages: initial stage (1975-1984), early stage (1985-1995) and rapid development stage (1996-present). At present, deep water area has become a hot spot of global oil and gas exploration and one of the important fields of increasing oil and gas reservoir and production. In the past 40 years, the discovery of deep water oil and gas in the world is mainly distributed along the "three vertical two horizontal" five deep water basin groups: (1) Atlantic deep water basin group Most of the major oil discoveries were in Brazil, in the southern part of the country. In West Africa and the Gulf of Mexico, natural gas is mainly on the western coast of Norway in the north; (2) the deep-water basin group in the eastern African margin is in the Luwuma basin, A number of giant natural gas fields have been discovered in Tanzania Basin and so on; (3) the discovery of oil and gas in the western Pacific deep water basin group is mainly concentrated in the South China Sea and Southeast Asia; (4) the total rich gas in the New Tethys Deepwater Basin Group, The major discoveries of natural gas are mainly in the northwest shelf of Australia and the eastern Mediterranean. (5) the deep-water basin group in the circumpolar Arctic is only found in the Barents Sea. The global deepwater oil resources are mainly concentrated in the middle and south of the Atlantic Ocean, and the natural gas resources are relatively widely distributed, mainly in the northern part of the Atlantic deep-water basin group, the East African deep-water basin group, the neo-Tethys deep-water basin group and the circumpolar deep-water basin group. In the future, there are six fields of "two old and four new" in the exploration of deep water basins in the world. The "two old" fields are the deep water basin group of Atlantic Ocean and the new Tethys tectonic basin group of east-west strike. The exploration degree of these two fields is relatively high. But the potential is still very great, and the "Sixin" field includes the deep field, such as the subsalt and ultra-deep water areas, as well as the deep water basin group around the Arctic and the deep-water basin group in the west coast of the Pacific Ocean, and the new field will be the main field of deepwater oil and gas exploration in the future.
【作者单位】: 中海油研究总院;西北大学地质学系;
【基金】:国家科技重大专项(编号:2008ZX05025;2011ZX05025;2016ZX05026) 国家重点基础研究发展规划(“973”)项目(编号:2009CB219400) 国土资源部全国油气资源战略选区调查评价项目(编号:XQ2004-05) 南海北部陆坡深水海域油气资源战略调查及评价项目(编号:XQ2007-05)联合资助
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