[Abstract]:Biodiesel is a kind of clean, renewable biomass liquid energy that contains less sulfur than petrochemicals and no aromatic alkanes that pollute the environment. Because of its high flash point, it will not explode easily in the process of use, plus the advantages of high cetane number and good combustion performance of biodiesel, which makes biodiesel a good alternative energy for petrochemical diesel. Biodiesel is generally prepared by transesterification or esterification of vegetable oil and methanol. In industry, homogeneous acid-base catalyst is used to produce biodiesel by esterification reaction, which has the advantages of high conversion rate and fast reaction speed. But also has the equipment corrosion, the waste liquid many, the catalyst is not easy to recycle, the environment pollution and so on shortcoming. It is of great significance for the development of biodiesel industry to study solid acid catalyst with high efficiency and good recovery. In this paper, a series of polymer composites with multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) were prepared by covalent grafting of sulfated polymer chains onto multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MwCNTs). These include CNT-PVSAICPC, CNT-PVSAPC and CNT-PSSA. Both CNT-PVSAIC and CNT-PVSAPC contain sulfonic functionalized cationic polyelectrolyte brushes. CNT-PSSA is composed of sulfonic acid modified anionic polyelectrolyte brushes. Transesterification of triglycerides with methanol and esterification of oleic acid with methanol are typical reactions for the preparation of biodiesel. In the reaction of triglyceride with methanol and oleic acid with methanol, the CNT-P-SO3H composite has good catalytic performance as a carbon-based solid acid catalyst. Experimental data show that the catalytic activity of the catalyst is related to its acidity. In order to improve the dispersion of CNT and adjust the acidity of the catalyst, the covalent grafting method is convenient to graft various polyelectrolytes on CNT surface. The structure and properties of CNT-P-SO3H materials were characterized by various characterization methods. The excellent catalytic properties of CNT-P-SO3H materials were attributed to the mesoporous structure and a layer of P-S03H polymer coated on the outer surface of CNT, which provided dense and uniform active sites. In addition, the surface exposed active sites are favorable to the contact between reactants and can promote the solvent to separate from the catalyst. These properties make CNT-P-SO3H composite as a carbon-based solid acid catalyst as the first choice for esterification and transesterification to prepare biodiesel.
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