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发布时间:2018-07-25 20:56
[Abstract]:With the development of combustible ice exploration technology, its proven reserves are increasing day by day. Once successfully exploited, how to deal with it efficiently and safely and how to store and transport combustible ice to produce gas will be the focus of research work. In view of the problem that the pretreatment and storage and transportation process design of combustible ice extraction gas in our country started late and the theory is lacking, this paper will study and simulate the pretreatment and liquefaction. Firstly, referring to the pretreatment technology of offshore gas field, aiming at the physical and chemical properties of flammable ice extraction gas, the difference between combustible ice extraction gas production and traditional natural gas and the process flow of deacidification and dehydration in pretreatment are discussed. In this paper, the disposal plan of the gas produced by combustible ice mining at sea is designed. Secondly, the main transportation modes of gas extraction are compared synthetically in storage and transportation, and it is concluded that it is more economical and reasonable to transport the gas out of flammable ice mining by LNG mode. Based on the analysis of the characteristics of various LNG processes, the design principles of the gas liquefaction process at sea are given, and the thermodynamic analysis is carried out. The SRK equation and PR equation are used as the phase equilibrium model, and the enthalpy entropy of the mixture is calculated by combining the LKP equation. The liquefaction process was simulated based on HYSYS software, and the results of refrigerant flow, compressor power consumption and liquefaction rate were calculated and compared. The influence of parameters on liquefaction process was simulated and analyzed. At last, a set of liquefaction flow is designed for the components of combustible ice extraction gas. With the minimum power consumption as the objective function and various constraints, the composition of the mixed refrigerant is simulated and optimized. After optimization, the total energy consumption per unit flow is reduced by 12.02 and the liquefaction rate is increased by 2.69.The optimization results show that the established optimization model and the optimization algorithm are correct and feasible, and the purpose of reducing the total power consumption of the process is achieved. The above results provide theoretical support for pretreatment and storage and transportation of gas from combustible ice mining, and have important guiding value in field application.


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