[Abstract]:Integrity management is based on the methodology of data scientific decision-making. Data management directly restricts the development of the work of integrity management. Based on the present situation of China's petroleum pipeline integrity management, this paper puts forward the range of 61 kinds of data on 9 topics, and realizes the best balance between safety and economy by supporting fine management. The goal of data management is changed from expert risk assessment to risk analysis by data analysts, and then developed into integrity management based on big data analysis, which brings profound changes to pipeline management from macro to micro levels. This paper analyzes the current situation and challenges of data management, and points out that four key technologies, such as data model technology for pipeline linear asset data management, management of multi-dimensional space-time data, data alignment and data utilization, should be further improved. Combined with the requirements of the state and the public for pipeline safety and environmental protection, the current situation of continuous increase in operating costs and profit pressures in the oil industry, the trend of data and business integration in pipeline integrity management in the future is forecasted. Indicates the direction for the next stage of data management technology development.
【作者单位】: 中国石油管道科技研究中心/中国石油天然气集团公司油气储运重点实验室;
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