[Abstract]:The Lukeqin extension pilot area is located in TY block and has been developed by water flooding since 1998. By the end of March 2015, there were 41 wells and 13 wells. Cumulative water injection of 129.12 脳 10 ~ 4 m ~ 3, cumulative oil production of 53.88 脳 10 ~ (4) t, comprehensive water cut of 74.7%, recovery degree of only 7.32 OOIP.The remaining large amount of crude oil in the reservoir has not been produced, which still has the potential of greatly improving oil recovery. Foam flooding test was carried out in the pilot zone in April 2015. Among them, there are 4 water injection wells and 19 wells in pilot test area. After foam flooding, the daily oil production of most wells increased, the comprehensive water cut decreased significantly, and the water absorption profile was obviously improved, among which the slope of Hall curve of TY203 well TY3-3 was increased greatly. As of October 2015, the cumulative oil increase of 0.9 脳 10 ~ 4t ~ (3) and the decrease of water cut by 10% in the pilot test area, foam flooding may be an effective method to improve the recovery efficiency of heavy oil reservoirs with medium temperature and high salt. According to the analysis of the production performance in the pilot test area, it is found that some oil wells have no obvious effect on increasing production and only play the role of water control, and a few wells not only have no increase in production, but also have a high comprehensive water cut. It is found that the ratio of injection and production, the size of foam slug, the ratio of gas to liquid, the alternate period and the injection / production rate may be the key factors to improve the recovery efficiency of foam flooding. Therefore, in order to better apply foam flooding technology to the development of the whole Lukeqin reservoir, it is necessary to optimize the scheme design of the expanded area and further evaluate the flooding effect of foam flooding. On the premise of establishing the geological model of the expanded test area and fitting the production dynamics, the water drive development is predicted. When the comprehensive water cut in the whole area rises to 90, the water drive recovery is 15.26 and the cumulative oil production is 111.50 脳 10 ~ 4 t. At present, the foam flooding system is determined to be C DHY-4, effective concentration 0.1% (1000mg/L). Through the optimization of foam flooding procedure, injection mode and slug size, two schemes of deep foam flooding and foam flooding are determined. The final parameters of deep foam flooding are as follows: the main slug is 0.2 PVD, the foaming agent CDHY-4 concentration is 0.1, the former slug concentration is 0.2, the slug size is 0.003 PVR, the ratio of gas to liquid is 1.0 / 1.0, the gas-liquid alternate cycle is 45 days, and the injection rate is 1.5 times that of the current actual working system. The final parameters of foam flooding are as follows: the main slug is 0.45 PVD, the foaming agent CDHY-4 concentration is 0.1%, the pre-slug concentration is 0.2, the pre-slug size is 0.02 PVV, the ratio of gas to liquid is 1.0 / 1.0, the alternate cycle is 60 days, and the injection rate is 2.0 times that of the current actual working system.
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