发布时间:2018-09-12 12:24
【摘要】:罗场向斜位于四川盆地南缘,主要目的层五峰组-龙马溪组页岩在历经印支、燕山、喜马拉雅等多期造山事件改造后,页岩变形相对较弱、埋藏适中,页岩气形成与保存条件良好,成为上扬子页岩气核心区的重要组成部分。据岩性、电性、矿物组成、有机质赋存及含气性特征分析,本套页岩地层可划分为3个三级层序、3个岩性段、3种沉积相及4种沉积亚相与多种沉积微相;总体以深水陆棚相沉积期发育的富有机质页岩段(Ⅰ层)含气性最好,并可细分为Ⅰ_1,Ⅰ_2,Ⅰ_3,Ⅰ_4,Ⅰ_5 5个小层。综合向斜内黄金坝建产区页岩物性与压力系数特征分析,昭通示范区页岩气主要赋存于现今残留的深水陆棚相复向斜内,气藏以观音桥段灰岩分隔为龙马溪组底部与五峰组两套,结合压后评估与单井试采成果,评价认为建产区以龙马溪组底部Ⅰ_3与Ⅰ_4小层压后改造与采气效果最好。
[Abstract]:The Luochang syncline is located in the southern margin of Sichuan basin. The shale of the Wufeng formation and Longmaxi formation, the main target layer, underwent several orogenic events, such as Indosinian, Yanshanian and Himalayan orogenic events, and the shale deformation was relatively weak and the burial was moderate. Shale gas formation and preservation conditions are good, and become an important part of upper Yangtze shale gas core area. According to the analysis of lithology, electricity, mineral composition, occurrence of organic matter and gas-bearing characteristics, the shale strata can be divided into three third-order sequences, three sedimentary facies, four sedimentary subfacies and several sedimentary microfacies in three lithologic member. In general, the oil-rich shale formation (layer 鈪,
[Abstract]:The Luochang syncline is located in the southern margin of Sichuan basin. The shale of the Wufeng formation and Longmaxi formation, the main target layer, underwent several orogenic events, such as Indosinian, Yanshanian and Himalayan orogenic events, and the shale deformation was relatively weak and the burial was moderate. Shale gas formation and preservation conditions are good, and become an important part of upper Yangtze shale gas core area. According to the analysis of lithology, electricity, mineral composition, occurrence of organic matter and gas-bearing characteristics, the shale strata can be divided into three third-order sequences, three sedimentary facies, four sedimentary subfacies and several sedimentary microfacies in three lithologic member. In general, the oil-rich shale formation (layer 鈪,