[Abstract]:Shale bedding is relatively developed and heterogeneity is strong. In the process of fracturing fluid backflow, there have been many complicated fractures near wellbore, and induced stress caused by fractures leads to changes in the size and direction of in-situ stress in shale reservoir. The stress values completely affect the cement sheath around the casing and the casing itself, resulting in elastic-plastic deformation and damage of the casing. In order to accurately calculate the casing stress state and predict the casing damage in shale gas well fracturing fluid backflow process, casing damage exists all the time, in order to accurately calculate the casing stress state during large-scale fracturing and drainage in shale reservoir, A new method of casing stress analysis and calculation is needed. Based on the theory of elasticity, this paper studies the relationship among cement sheath, casing ellipse ratio and casing anti-squeezing strength coefficient, and establishes the theoretical calculation model of casing anti-extrusion strength in the process of fracturing fluid backflow. Then, the influence of induced stress produced by artificial fracture on the original in-situ stress is analyzed. According to the principle of stress superposition, the stress field calculation model around the wellbore in the process of fracturing fluid reflux in shale gas well is established. According to the theory of elastic mechanics, the stress of casing hole is analyzed in detail, and the stress calculation model of single hole in casing wall during the process of fracturing fluid backflow is established. Finally, the stress of casing in the process of back discharge of fracturing fluid in shale gas well is studied. The key mechanical parameters of shale core such as uniaxial tensile strength triaxial compressive strength and elastic modulus Poisson's ratio and so on are obtained through rock mechanics experiments of shale reservoir core. Based on the experimental results, a finite element model of shale reservoir, cement sheath and casing is established. According to the simulation results, the difference of rock elastic modulus and Poisson's ratio between shale fracturing zone and upper and lower fracturing layers has significant influence on casing stress. Through the research in this paper, it can provide a new idea for the calculation of casing stress during large-scale hydraulic fracturing in shale reservoir, and provide the basis for distinguishing casing instability damage and making reasonable fracturing scheme.
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