[Abstract]:In order to provide the geological basis for the optimal selection of the target layers in the guiding drilling of shale gas horizontal wells, the shale formation of the Lower Cambrian Qiongzhusi formation in Weiyuan region, Sichuan Basin, is taken as the research object. This paper presents a method of identifying shale gas geology by logging multi-parameter two-vector method. The method firstly calculates shale organic carbon content, brittle index and gas saturation by logging curve, and then optimizes the logging geological parameters of the sensitive, medium and differential shale gas formations, and constructs the shale gas reservoir sample set based on the well test data. The difference between the two types of shale gas samples is the first, the second discriminant vector CnK and its corresponding comprehensive index, R _ 1 / R _ 2, are well established. According to the discriminant chart of differential shale gas reservoir and the feature projection function of classification, the shale gas geology "dessert" is selected as the target layer of geological guiding drilling according to the discriminant result, and the field inspection is carried out. The results are as follows: (1) according to the fitting / improving organic carbon content and brittleness index of the logging geological parameters of the shale formation of Qiongzhusi formation in this area, The formula of gas saturation can be used to calculate the relevant parameters; (2) the results obtained by determining the criteria of shale gas geological "dessert" section according to shale gas discriminant chart and characteristic function F are intuitionistic and reliable; (3) in the field practice, By using this method, the target layer and the guiding marker layer of shale formation are divided in real time and accurately, and the accuracy rate is improved from 72.6% of the traditional multivariate linear stepwise discriminant method to 87.4% of the present one. It is concluded that the method can be used to judge the shale gas geology "dessert" in the study area, and the results obtained are reasonable and reliable, and the accuracy is high.
【作者单位】: "油气藏地质及开发工程"国家重点实验室·西南石油大学;四川长宁天然气开发有限责任公司;
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