[Abstract]:In the second phase of Jiangsu LNG Project of Zhenzhong Petroleum Jiangsu liquefied Natural Gas Co., Ltd., T-1204 tank successfully set up the target liquid level on November 3, and successfully put it into production once, marking the successful completion of the first 200, 000 square LNG storage tank in China. It breaks the monopoly position of the international engineering construction company in the large-scale construction of LNG storage tank, and adds new strength to the pipeline network of gas transmission from west to east and the natural gas supply in winter in Yangtze River Delta region. The successful production of Jiangsu LNG project effective volume of 200, 000 square LNG storage tank by China Global Engineering Co., Ltd. EPCC general contract construction, is the first independent domestic R & D, design, construction of large-scale full-capacity prestressed concrete LNG
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