[Abstract]:Over the years, a large number of horizontal wells have been developed in Jilin Oilfield, in which the fracturing methods of horizontal wells are also diversified, and the completion methods are also diversified. The ball pedestal between the suspension and the differential pressure slip sleeve varies in size, reaching a maximum of 92 mm and a minimum of 41 mm. During the process of fracturing, the problem of pressure and plugging is often encountered. After plugging, subsequent fracturing cannot be carried out in accordance with the prescribed time. It has a certain impact on the productivity construction and oilfield development of the oil field. In addition, the environmental protection requirements of the whole country are strict, and the conventional plugging removal process cannot smoothly pass through the sliding casing or control the energy in the well. Once the plugging is successfully removed, the layer of fracturing will release energy, which will be difficult to control when the released energy is transferred to the wellhead. Well-control accidents and environmental pollution are prohibited in the oil field industry and throughout the country. In view of the above problems, this paper studies the plugging removal of multistage sliding casing continuous tubing in horizontal wells, starting with the theory of pressure drop of fluid flow in continuous tubing, and studying the pressure drop in the whole process of the system. Construction simulation of continuous tubing before plugging removal and special tools for removing plugging equipment and plugging. To solve the above problems, it can quickly and effectively control the bottom hole pressure transfer to the wellhead and cause accidents. In order to solve the different problems encountered in the development of horizontal wells in Jilin Oilfield, the technology of multi-stage slip-casing continuous tubing removal technology in horizontal wells is studied, and the continuous progress of continuous tubing operation technology in Jilin Oilfield is also promoted.
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