[Abstract]:In this paper, redox, The ternary sulfonation modification of acrylamide (AM) / 2-acrylamide 2-methylpropanesulfonic acid (AMPS) / dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate (DMAEMA) was prepared by water-soluble azo and redox azo complex initiator system. Acrylamide (SPAM), Among them, the redox azo composite initiator has the best effect after polymerization. The optimum conditions for the preparation of SPAM are as follows: monomer concentration 33 wt%,AM:AMPS mass ratio 19: 1 DMAEMA dosage 0.2wt, urea dosage 0.02 wt%,. EDTA dosage: 10 渭 L wt%,TEMED pH 8? AIBA concentration 0.002 wt%, redox initiator ratio 7: 0, ammonium persulfate 0.003 wt%. The structure of SPAM was characterized by IR, NMR, TGA and SEM. The solid content and relative molecular weight were measured. The viscosity, dissolution, temperature resistance and salt resistance, shear resistance and oil displacement of polymer and solution were investigated. The results showed that the synthesized copolymer was the target product of SPAM, with a relative molecular weight of 9.5 million and a solid content of 88%. The results of temperature and salt tolerance test showed that when the total salinity of the solution was 20000 mg/L,Ca2 and the concentration of Mg2 was 364 mg/L,136 mg/L, the viscosity retention rate reached 56.7 when the temperature increased from 30 掳C to 99 掳C. Under the same conditions, the partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide (HPAM, 35 million) solution was only 16.6g, showing good temperature and salt resistance. The laboratory flooding experiments of the polymer solution at 80 掳C show that the recovery of the SPAM solution on the basis of water flooding is 11.8%, which is 6.9% higher than that of the HPAM solution. When the total salinity of solution was increased to 728mg / L mg _ 2 (728mg 路L ~ (2) 272mg/L, the results showed that the recovery rate of SPAM solution was 10.7g / L ~ (-1). The synthetic SPAM has a good application prospect in the field of high temperature and high salinity oil displacement. By testing the salt resistance of SPAM solution, analyzing and fitting the data, it is put forward that Ya 脳 xb equation can describe the relationship between salt ion concentration and apparent viscosity of polymer solution, and the constants in the fitting equation are given. The effect of salt ion concentration on the apparent viscosity of polymer solution was analyzed. The antiaging property of SPAM solution was studied. The results showed that the polymer solution with total salinity of 20000mg/L was placed at 80 掳C for 90 days. The apparent viscosity of the solution decreased from 20.0 mPa?s to 15.1 mPa?s, viscosity retention rate was 75.5%. The results of screening of different antiaging agents showed that the viscosity retention rate of SPAM polymer solution was 86.5 after the mixture of ethylene glycol and thiourea was placed at 110 掳C for 21 days, which increased the viscosity retention rate of SPAM polymer solution by 24% higher than that without adding antiaging agent. It shows good aging resistance.
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