[Abstract]:Polymer gel profile control technology is an effective means to improve the water injection development effect and maintain stable production in the later stage of oil field. In this paper, the influence of several factors on polymer gel profile control agent has been studied by a series of single factor variable experiments, and the formulation of profile control agent suitable for Toutunhe formation reservoir in Shinan 4 well area has been determined and its performance has been evaluated. The results show that the gelatinization strength of polymer gel profile control agent increases with the concentration of polymer, cross-linking agent and stabilizer, and decreases with the increase of salinity of water quality under the condition of single factor change. The gelation time decreased with the increase of the concentration of polymer, crosslinking agent and water quality, but remained unchanged with the increase of stabilizer concentration. The gelatinization strength decreases with the increase of aging time, temperature and shear strength. With the increase of profile control agent injection, the resistance coefficient and residual resistance coefficient increased gradually, and the gap between them increased, and the plugging increased slowly at first, then rose rapidly, and finally tended to smooth. In view of the reservoir of Toutunhe formation in Shinan 4 well area, the suggested formulation of profile control agent is as follows: the concentration of polymer (25 million relative molecular weight) 1500 mg/L, crosslinker 0.3%, stabilizer 0.1%, water salinity 26 g / L; The injection mode is as follows: front slug 0.15 PV (pore volume) main slug 0.25 PV protection slug 0.1 PV.
【作者单位】: 中国科学院渗流流体力学研究所;中国科学院大学;中国石油勘探开发研究院廊坊分院;清华大学环境学院;
【基金】:国家科技重大专项(2011ZX05013-006) 中国石油科技攻关项目(2014B-1203)
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