[Abstract]:As an important energy source in the world, natural gas is a necessity of people's life and plays an important role in the national economy and people's daily life. With the increasing production of natural gas in China, the infrastructure of natural gas transportation is also under way. The most ideal transportation mode of natural gas is pipeline transportation, and the construction of natural gas pipeline will be the most important energy construction in China in the future. From the point of view of current natural gas pipeline design technology, the design pays more attention to the design optimization of the main process parameters, and often ignores the influence of temperature, especially ground temperature, on the optimal design of natural gas pipeline. In this paper, through the process calculation of the actual pipeline example, the influence of ground temperature on pipeline parameters is studied, and the idea of optimal design of natural gas pipeline process system is put forward. Taking the gas supply pipeline of Wuhua Petrochemical Company as an example, the hydraulic calculation model is established by using SPS software to simulate the pipeline process system. Based on the thermodynamic calculation of the hydraulic system of Wuhua Petrochemical Pipeline, the influence of ground temperature on the pipeline system is analyzed, and the conclusion is drawn that the influence of ground temperature on the optimal design of natural gas pipeline is related to the influence of ground temperature on the optimal design of natural gas pipeline. The calculation results show that the influence of ground temperature on pipeline system can not be ignored for long distance gas pipeline, and the optimal design of pipeline can be realized by making rational use of ground temperature. When the gas temperature in the long pipeline is greatly affected by the low temperature, and the heating equipment needs to be added to the normal transportation to the user, this optimization design method can be used for reference.
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