[Abstract]:Xingshugang Oilfield has entered the ultra-high water cut stage after more than 50 years of development, and the tertiary oil recovery has achieved good development effect. However, due to the influence of reservoir heterogeneity, the top development efficiency of thick reservoir is low, the remaining oil is enriched, and the contradiction in the layer is prominent, so it is difficult to tap the potential of the conventional method. In order to improve the production situation in the layer and explore the method of tapping the remaining oil at the top of the thick reservoir, the field test of strong alkali ASP flooding in horizontal wells was carried out. By optimizing the horizontal trajectory, horizontal segment length, target direction, perforation mode and completion mode design, the laboratory evaluation combined with the ternary system formula of other blocks is applied to optimize the injection parameter design and improve the matching rate of the scheme. The test has achieved good results, effectively alleviated the intra-layer contradiction, increased the reservoir production degree, and increased the oil recovery by more than 30%. This study clarifies the change law of strong alkali ternary compound driving state in horizontal well, objectively evaluates the feasibility of strong alkali ASP flooding in horizontal well, provides a new idea for tapping the potential of remaining oil at the top of thick reservoir, and opens up a new way for the adjustment of tertiary oil recovery development.
【作者单位】: 大庆油田有限责任公司第四采油厂;
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