发布时间:2019-06-24 16:23
【摘要】:本文针对吉林市某汽车4S店的废旧机油,采用有机溶剂与KOH溶液萃取-絮凝方法处理废旧机油,使油品的性能和颜色有了很大改善。通过单因素试验对比环己烷—异丙醇双溶剂精制方法和异丙醇单溶剂精制方法对再生油性能的影响,考察KOH溶液浓度、有机溶剂与KOH溶液的质量比、剂油质量比、精制时间和精制温度五个因素对油品质量的影响。在最佳工艺条件下,通过测定再生油的黏度(40℃和100℃)、黏度指数、酸值、闪点、凝点、密度以及金属含量对比两种萃取—絮凝方法,试验结果显示环己烷—异丙醇和KOH溶液双溶剂萃取—絮凝方法的再生油质量参数更接近润滑油评价指标。进而通过正交试验对环己烷—异丙醇和KOH溶液萃取—絮凝方法的工艺条件进行进一步优化,同时得出因素的主次顺序。试验结果显示:环己烷—异丙醇和KOH溶液双溶剂萃取—絮凝方法再生润滑油基础油的最佳工艺条件为:KOH溶液浓度为15%,混合有机溶剂与KOH溶液的质量比为7:1,剂油质量比为2:1,精制温度为45℃,精制时间为30min。各影响因素主次顺序为:剂油质量比影响最大,其次是KOH溶液浓度、精制温度和混合有机溶剂与KOH溶液的质量比,而精制时间的影响最小。在该工艺条件下,再生油的性质参数如下:40℃黏度为17.58 mm2·s-1,100℃黏度为4.11mm2·s-1,黏度指数为139.06,酸值为0.0234 mg·KOH·g-1,凝点为-17℃,闪点为234℃,收率为83.4%。与废润滑油的性质参数相比,环己烷—异丙醇和KOH溶液萃取—絮凝方法得到的再生油性能指标有了很大改善,达到HVI150润滑油基础油性能指标要求。依据模拟试验参数,初步设计了一套废旧润滑油回收的工艺流程。本论文的创新点是采用环己烷-异丙醇混合有机溶剂作为萃取剂,来改善有机溶剂对废旧机油的溶解度;工艺流程中首先进行溶剂精制,减缓减压蒸馏过程中对设备的腐蚀作用,以延长设备的使用寿命,为将来的废旧润滑油工业化生产奠定了坚实的基础。
[Abstract]:In this paper, the waste oil of a 4S shop in Jilin City is treated by organic solvent and KOH solution extraction-flocculation method, which greatly improves the performance and color of the oil. The effects of cyclohexane-isopropanol double solvent refining method and isopropanol single solvent refining method on the properties of regenerated oil were compared by single factor test. The effects of KOH solution concentration, mass ratio of organic solvent to KOH solution, mass ratio of solvent to oil, refining time and refining temperature on oil quality were investigated. Under the optimum technological conditions, the viscosity (40 鈩,
[Abstract]:In this paper, the waste oil of a 4S shop in Jilin City is treated by organic solvent and KOH solution extraction-flocculation method, which greatly improves the performance and color of the oil. The effects of cyclohexane-isopropanol double solvent refining method and isopropanol single solvent refining method on the properties of regenerated oil were compared by single factor test. The effects of KOH solution concentration, mass ratio of organic solvent to KOH solution, mass ratio of solvent to oil, refining time and refining temperature on oil quality were investigated. Under the optimum technological conditions, the viscosity (40 鈩,