[Abstract]:Based on the desorption data of coal core in Hancheng mining area, the characteristics and laws of coal seam gas desorption in middle and high order coal reservoirs are analyzed, and the relationship between adsorption characteristics and coal metamorphism, microscopic components and industrial components is discussed. The results show that the desorption rate of coalbed methane in the study area is between 13% and 72%, and the desorption rate of No. 5 coal seam is the largest, and the decrease of desorption rate is mainly caused by the change of gas content in coal reservoir, the initial desorption rate and its attenuation characteristics are related to the pore structure and connectivity of coal and rock, and the desorption rate is affected by buried depth in the region, and the data are discrete. The correlation between desorption rate and coal metamorphism degree is not obvious, but it decreases significantly with the increase of ash content and increases significantly with the increase of water content. The increase of vitrinite content can increase the desorption rate of coal seam gas, while the inertinite group can increase the desorption rate of coal seam gas, but the increase of vitrinite content can increase the desorption rate of coal seam gas. The No. 5 coal seam and No. 11 coal seam in Xuefeng area, the No. 5 coal seam in the south of Wang Feng and the No. 5 coal seam in the east and west of Wei, and the No. 11 coal seam in the southeast of Wei have higher desorption rate, all of which are more than 50%, which is beneficial to the development of coalbed methane.
【作者单位】: 中石油煤层气有限责任公司;
【基金】:中石油股份公司重大科技专项“煤层气资源潜力研究与甜点区评价”(2013E-2201) 国家科技重大专项“中高煤阶煤层气富集规律与有利区块预测”资助项目(2011ZX05033-001)
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