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hydrological and ecological 的翻译结果

发布时间:2016-12-18 15:19







hydrological and ecological

  • 水文生态(8)

         Hydrological and ecological functions of litter layers for main forest-types in Qinling Mts.of Yellow River



         Review on Hydrological and Ecological Function of Bryophytes



         Characteristics of time and space variability of regional hydrological and ecological series are studied so that the effect of the regional change of climate and biosphere on hydrology,ecology and water resources can be found out.

         结合中长期水文气象预报 ,研究和分析区域水文生态序列的时间和空间变异性特征 ,以便了解气候和生物圈状况的区域变化对水文、生态和水资源系统的影响


         The Hydrological and Ecological Effect of the Masson's Pine in Lianxiahe Watershed of Three Gorges Reservoir Area



         The mixed wood and broadleaf forest has better effect on surface runoff coefficient in different vegetation types,the grey correlation degree is 0.634 56,0.618 5 in turn. The bamboo forest has the smallest effect on surface runoff coefficient,the grey correlation degree is 0.500 0.It is prove the mixed wood and broadleaf forest has better hydrological and ecological function.

         不同植被类型的植被状况对地表径流系数的影响,针阔混交林和常绿阔叶林的植被状况对地表径流系数的影响大,其灰关联度分别为0.634 6和0.618 5,而楠竹林对地表径流系数的影响最小,其灰关联度为0.500 0。 灰色关联法分析结果进一步证实了针阔混交林和常绿阔叶林具有良好的水文生态功能。




         A Comparative Study on Hydrological and Ecological Effects in Different Karst Ecosystems



         Study on Several Hydrological and Ecological Characteristics of Hippophae rhamnoides in the Loess Hilly Region






         By recycling and reusing the mine water,energy can be saved,hydrological and ecological systems improved and sustainable development achieved.

         通过对井下水循环使用 ,节约了能源 ,健全了水文生态系统 ,为可持续发展探索了新的途径。


         In the period from May 2000 to July 2003, it has five times emergency delivery from Bositeng Lake to the lower reaches of Tarim River in all and the accumulated water delivery of Daxihaizi Reservoir is 1.379 billion m~3. The study on "four waters" of surface water, groundwater, hygroscopic water and atmospheric water conversion for emergency delivery can provide basis for evaluating hydrological and ecological effects and selecting an appropriate delivery plan.

         2000年5月至2003年7月,由博斯腾湖向塔里木河下游实施了5次应急输水,大西海子水库累计输水量达13. 79亿m3。 开展应急输水的地表水、地下水、土壤水与大气水的四水转化研究,可以为评价输水的水文效应、生态效应及选择适当的输水方案提供依据。




         Informatization of Hydrological Service



         The Development of Hydrological Model





         On catchment hydrological scale and similarity



         The Hydrological Effects on the forest Ecological System



    查询“hydrological and ecological”译词为用户自定义的双语例句


      hydrological and ecological

    The Kabartal wetland situated in the upper Indo-Gangetic flood plains in northern India is significant because of its hydrological and ecological services, and the socio-economic and cultural values that it represents.


    However, natural recolonization and recovery of many hydrological and ecological processes may not occur, or may require many decades.


    The tool is designed to increase awareness of catchment scale hydrological and ecological issues.


    The project has developed an interactive tool for the assessment and (three-dimensional) visualization of the hydrological and ecological conditions in river basins and economic aspects of river basin management measures.


    Planktonic diatoms dominate post-settlement assemblages indicating large-scale hydrological and ecological changes, probably associated with the introduction of carp and alterations to the Iroquois bar which separates the wetland from Lake Ontario.



    The spatiotemporal linkage between the hydrological and ecological dynamics is one of the keystones to manage the water resources and keep the natural ecosystems run normally, and will be one of the most exciting frontiers in future. Ecohydrology may be defined as a science that studies the hydrologic mechanisms of ecological patterns and processes. Plant water relation is its theoretical basis,soil moisture dynamics and evapotranspiration are its key subject, and scale issues are its critical problem....

    The spatiotemporal linkage between the hydrological and ecological dynamics is one of the keystones to manage the water resources and keep the natural ecosystems run normally, and will be one of the most exciting frontiers in future. Ecohydrology may be defined as a science that studies the hydrologic mechanisms of ecological patterns and processes. Plant water relation is its theoretical basis,soil moisture dynamics and evapotranspiration are its key subject, and scale issues are its critical problem. In this paper, the connotation, basic theories and current main research topics of ecohydrology are briefly described. The current research situation, prospect for the future and application of ecohydrology are also outlined. Finally, how to study ecohydrology with the eco-environmental construction in West China is suggested. For example,first,the hydrological mechanisms of wetlands and lakes,streams and rivers should be better understood in order to guide the conservation of these water resources. Secondly,more efforts on interaction between hydrological dynamics and vegetation establishment should be done to get more useful information for eco environmental construction in West China. Thirdly, water ecological demand should be studied in the inland river basins in arid regions to keep the environment and economics sustainability at the basins.

    水文过程和生态过程的时空耦合机制 ,是管理水资源和维持生态系统健康运行的关键机理 ,将成为未来研究的前沿领域 .生态水文学是描述生态格局和生态过程的水文学机制的一门科学 .文中简要介绍了生态水文学的内涵、基础理论、主要研究内容和研究现状 ,展望了生态水文学的发展趋势和应用前景 .最后结合西部开发和生态环境建设的有关问题 ,探讨了加强我国生态水文学 ,特别是干旱区和高寒地区生态水文学研究的必要性和迫切性

    Based on information theory,diagnostic method used for analyzing the information difference of hydrological series is presented,which is also used to analyze the yearly highest flood stage series at a control station on the upper reaches of the Yangtze River and the time variability of the yearly rainfall series in the Lushui River Valley,The result shows that the variability of hydrological series can be diagnozed effectively with the method.The result fits in with practice and is of great value.Characteristics...

    Based on information theory,diagnostic method used for analyzing the information difference of hydrological series is presented,which is also used to analyze the yearly highest flood stage series at a control station on the upper reaches of the Yangtze River and the time variability of the yearly rainfall series in the Lushui River Valley,The result shows that the variability of hydrological series can be diagnozed effectively with the method.The result fits in with practice and is of great value.Characteristics of time and space variability of regional hydrological and ecological series are studied so that the effect of the regional change of climate and biosphere on hydrology,ecology and water resources can be found out.

    利用信息论的基本概念 ,构造了分析水文序列信息差异度的诊断方法 ,并用于长江上游某控制站的年最高洪水位序列和陆水流域年降雨序列的时间变异性分析。结果表明 ,此法可有效地诊断水文序列的变异性 ,所得结论符合实际 ,具有较高的理论价值。结合中长期水文气象预报 ,研究和分析区域水文生态序列的时间和空间变异性特征 ,以便了解气候和生物圈状况的区域变化对水文、生态和水资源系统的影响

    The ecological hydrology is a science related to the overlapping parts of the ecology and hydrology. Eco hydrology focuses on studing the relationship between vegetation and water under various environmental conditions and revealing the eco hydrological processes of different plants. In recent years, the development of mathematic models which would be used to model the re actions between plants and water and other eco hydrology models are becoming the important fields in eco hydrology. Besides that, the...

    The ecological hydrology is a science related to the overlapping parts of the ecology and hydrology. Eco hydrology focuses on studing the relationship between vegetation and water under various environmental conditions and revealing the eco hydrological processes of different plants. In recent years, the development of mathematic models which would be used to model the re actions between plants and water and other eco hydrology models are becoming the important fields in eco hydrology. Besides that, the scale is becoming the seriously problem. Transforming the hydrological and ecological principles and functions obtained in one scale to the other scales could be the most challenge problem in the future. Recently, with the development of researching in the material and energy circulation related to the global change in ecological system, study in hydrological and ecological processes and their interaction along altitudinal gradients and the structure and functions of a ecological system, more and more attentions were paid to the mountain ecological system. During those disciplines, one of the most vigorous fields is to study and develop the multi element dynamic models containing regional climate changes, and make the models have the effectiveness in different scales and various topography or ecological zones.

    生态水文科学研究是区域生态系统研究和区域水文科学研究的交叉领域 ,其核心内容是揭示不同环境条件下植物与水的相互关系机理 ,探索各种植被的生态水文作用过程。近年来 ,生态与水文相互作用过程的数学模拟和专门模型研制日益成为重要的发展领域 ,同时 ,生态水文学的研究十分注重尺度效应 ,把在一定尺度上获得的水文与生态原理或模型向其它不同尺度转换已成为最具挑战性的问题。山地生态系统成为全球变化研究最为重要的研究场所 ,开展与全球变化相关的生态系统物质与能量循环、生态过程的梯度效应及其与水文过程的耦合关系、生态系统结构与功能及其变化等方面的研究 ,是生态水文学研究最具活力的方向 ,其中建立包含区域气候变化因素的多元生态过程动态模拟模型 ,并使该模型具有不同时空尺度、不同地貌和生态带的广泛适应性是目前广泛关注的热点问题。


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