[Abstract]:In order to eliminate the independent variables of the pressure regulating well and reduce the number of unknown quantities, the hydraulic dynamics of the pressure regulating well are merged to the end of the pipeline. Firstly, the dynamic equation of pressure regulating well is transformed into the form of transfer function, and the dynamic transfer function of pressure regulating well is merged into the dynamic transfer function of water head at the end of pressure pipeline by using continuity equation and pipeline transfer function. The inlet head-flow transfer function of hydraulic turbine including the performance of pressure regulating well is established, and then the transfer function is transformed into a differential equation model. Together with the output force algebra equation of hydraulic turbine, the differential algebra model of hydraulic turbine taking into account the performance of pressure regulating well is formed. In the model, the pressure regulating well performance is no longer an additional input or independent variable, which reduces the variables of the equation and the calculation of the program. The simulation operation system including typical PID governor, excitation PI controller, third-order generator model and hydraulic turbine model is constructed. The simulation results show that the calculated values of active power of the water head and generator of the model are basically consistent with those of the traditional model, and the proposed model can meet the needs of studying the transient characteristics of the turbine.
【作者单位】: 昆明理工大学建筑工程学院;昆明理工大学电力工程学院;昆明理工大学冶金与能源工程学院;布拉德福德大学工程学院;
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