发布时间:2022-02-15 06:19
【文章来源】:Journal of Central South University. 2020,27(10)EISCICSCD
【文章页数】:14 页
1 Introduction
2 Engineering background
2.1 Project description
2.2 Geological conditions
2.3 Construction schedule
3 Excavation-induced MS activities
3.1 MS monitoring system
3.2 Temporal distribution of microseismicity
3.3 Spatial distribution of microseismicity
3.4 Evolution laws of MS source parameters during rock collapse formation
4 Numerical simulation using 3DEC
4.1 Numerical model
4.2 Simulation results
5 Discussion
6 Conclusions
Conflict of interest
[1]埋深对圆形硬岩隧洞板裂破坏特征影响的模拟试验(英文)[J]. 罗勇,宫凤强,李夕兵,王善勇. Journal of Central South University. 2020(03)
[2]Failure precursor of surrounding rock mass around cross tunnel in high-steep rock slope[J]. 马克,唐春安,徐奴文,刘峰,徐敬武. Journal of Central South University. 2013(01)
【文章来源】:Journal of Central South University. 2020,27(10)EISCICSCD
【文章页数】:14 页
1 Introduction
2 Engineering background
2.1 Project description
2.2 Geological conditions
2.3 Construction schedule
3 Excavation-induced MS activities
3.1 MS monitoring system
3.2 Temporal distribution of microseismicity
3.3 Spatial distribution of microseismicity
3.4 Evolution laws of MS source parameters during rock collapse formation
4 Numerical simulation using 3DEC
4.1 Numerical model
4.2 Simulation results
5 Discussion
6 Conclusions
Conflict of interest
[1]埋深对圆形硬岩隧洞板裂破坏特征影响的模拟试验(英文)[J]. 罗勇,宫凤强,李夕兵,王善勇. Journal of Central South University. 2020(03)
[2]Failure precursor of surrounding rock mass around cross tunnel in high-steep rock slope[J]. 马克,唐春安,徐奴文,刘峰,徐敬武. Journal of Central South University. 2013(01)