OpenGIS WMS Based Prototype of Spatial Information Search En
本文关键词:基于OpenGIS WMS的空间信息搜索引擎系统原型,由笔耕文化传播整理发布。
基于OpenGIS WMS的空间信息搜索引擎系统原型
白玉琪,杨崇俊,刘冬林,朱华吉,卢亚辉,芮小平(中国科学院遥感应用研究所,北京 100101)
摘 要
面向在线空间信息的搜索引擎是空间信息共享和互操作领域一个新的研究内容,,为了帮助用户能够自动地找到感兴趣的空间信息,提出了一种遵循OpenGIS WMS规范构建的空间信息搜索引擎系统原型,并详细介绍了研究背景、设计方案、系统实现以及性能测试结论。实践证明,该搜索引擎不仅能自动地搜索互联网上的WMS服务器,并能不断更新和维护相关的WMS信息数据库,还能根据用户的查询需求实现动态的服务连接和透明的空间信息获取。
空间信息 网络搜索引擎 网络制图 开放式地理信息系统 网络地图服务 互联网制图技术
OpenGIS WMS Based Prototype of Spatial Information Search Engine
BAI Yu-qi,YANG Chong-jun,LIU Dong-lin,ZHU Hua-ji,LU Ya-hui,RUI Xiao-ping,BAI Yu-qi,YANG Chong-jun,LIU Dong-lin,ZHU Hua-ji,LU Ya-hui,RUI Xiao-ping,BAI Yu-qi,YANG Chong-jun,LIU Dong-lin,ZHU Hua-ji,LU Ya-hui,RUI Xiao-ping,BAI Yu-qi,YANG Chong-jun,LIU Dong-lin,ZHU Hua-ji,LU Ya-hui,RUI Xiao-ping,BAI Yu-qi,YANG Chong-jun,LIU Dong-lin,ZHU Hua-ji,LU Ya-hui,RUI Xiao-ping,BAI Yu-qi,YANG Chong-jun,LIU Dong-lin,ZHU Hua-ji,LU Ya-hui,RUI Xiao-ping()
Spatial Information Search Engine (SISE), aiming to search the World Wide Web for online geographic information to meet the end users needs, is totally a new research area in the field of spatial information sharing and geographical information system interoperability. In this paper we propose a prototype system of SISE based on the OpenGIS WMS specification. The system architecture, working principles, detailed function of each component, implementation strategies and system performance test results of this SISE prototype are introduced. This SISE prototype is capable of discovering available WMS Servers dynamically, saving and updating capabilities information of them into relational databases and maintaining necessary R tree indexes. For each spatial information request from clients, it can choose qualified WMS servers according to the request autonomously and fetching the matched geographical information for them from remote WMS servers transparently.
Spatial information Search engine Web Mapping OpenGIS Web Map Service
本文关键词:基于OpenGIS WMS的空间信息搜索引擎系统原型,由笔耕文化传播整理发布。