本文关键词: 网站分析 网站度量 流量 系统实现 优化 出处:《华侨大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:随着互联网的发展成熟,网站的发展也更趋于多元化、规范化和精细化。网络用户对于网站的要求也不再仅限于浏览网页、获得知识,而是追求更优质的用户体验。而网站决策者也不再满足于仅统计访问流量了,而是结合对用户特征以及用户在网站上的行为进行分析,进而改善站点布局设计、建立更好的用户体验、从而发现更多的商机。 本文首先讨论和归纳网站数据分析的研究背景,发展现状和未来的挑战;接着讨论和归纳现今网站数据分析的相关理论和技术,分析研究了网站数据分析的性能指标和应用价值,重点讨论网站分析前期三种常见的数据收集方法,并对比了它们的优缺点;接着又研究了基于Web访问模式下实现数据分析软件系统所用到的一些相关技术。最后根据游戏资讯网站mmosite分析系统的整体架构和业务需求,设计了网站流量数据收集、数据存储、数据统计和数据分析模块,完成了一个集访问量分析、访客来源和行为分析为一体的网站数据分析系统。系统具备如下性能: 1、锁定单个用户:深入挖掘目标人群中任意一个访问者的详细访问记录,,包括访问进入时间、平均停留时间、进入来源、访问者信息、完整访问路径等; 2、过滤目标人群流量:通过持续关注目标用户群组的访问行为,验证针对特定目标客户的营销推广和网站设计是否有效; 3、高级过滤条件细化过滤结果:对访问时间、访问来源、访问路径、搜索引擎、关键词、访问者页面信息等各种条件进行任意组合的流量细化过滤; 4、将统计的数据结果生成基础报表和推广追踪报表以便分析; 本文特别之处在于实现数据分析系统之余还针对mmosite站点的数据结果进行深入的解读分析,并提出优化网站的一些想法。
[Abstract]:With the development of the Internet, the development of the website is becoming more diversified, standardized and refined. The requirements of the network users for the website are no longer limited to browsing the web to obtain knowledge. The website decision-makers are no longer satisfied with only statistics of access traffic, but combine the characteristics of users and the behavior of users on the site to improve the site layout design. Build a better user experience and discover more business opportunities. This paper first discusses and summarizes the research background, development status and future challenges of website data analysis. Then it discusses and summarizes the relevant theories and techniques of website data analysis, analyzes and studies the performance index and application value of website data analysis, and focuses on three common data collection methods in the early stage of website analysis. Their advantages and disadvantages are compared. Then we study some related technologies used in the implementation of data analysis software system based on Web access mode. Finally, according to the overall architecture and business requirements of the mmosite analysis system of game information website. Designed the website traffic data collection, data storage, data statistics and data analysis module, completed a set of traffic analysis. A website data analysis system that integrates source and behavior analysis of visitors. The system has the following features: 1, lock a single user:. The detailed access records of any visitor in the target group are deeply mined, including access entry time, average residence time, access source, visitor information, complete access path and so on. (2) filtering the flow of the target group: by continuously paying attention to the visit behavior of the target user group, the paper verifies whether the marketing promotion and website design for the specific target customer is effective or not; 3Advanced filtering conditions refine the filtering results: the access time, access source, access path, search engine, keyword, visitor page information and other conditions are filtered by any combination of traffic refinement; (4) the results of statistical data are generated into basic reports and generalized tracking reports for analysis; The special point of this paper is that apart from the implementation of the data analysis system, the data results of the mmosite site are interpreted and analyzed in depth, and some ideas of optimizing the website are put forward.
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