本文选题:领域本体 切入点:搜索服务 出处:《华东交通大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:互联网已是我们生活中密不可分的重要工具。为了满足用户对网上信息资源的获取,各种搜索引擎应运而生,如Google和百度等。但是随着信息急剧膨胀以及信息多元化的发展,传统搜索引擎的索引查询内容不断扩大。在检索结果中,用户不得不在大量的失效信息、甚至垃圾信息中费力寻找。因此,搜索引擎正向着专业化、个性化、智能化的方向发展。面向领域本体的主题搜索服务成为信息搜索的发展趋势。 主题搜索服务可保证领域信息的完全收录与及时更新,避免了搜索时强大的“噪音”,提高了查询效率。为了描述领域的知识结构,有多种表示形式,比较流行的做法采用本体来描述。本文首先对本体的相关知识进行概述,介绍本体的定义,构成,分类,描述语言以及构建本体原则、方法和常用的本体编辑工具。选取通信行业作为主题领域,根据其概念和术语,通过本体编辑工具protégé建立本体模型。根据搜索服务的结构和分类,,提出面向领域本体的主题搜索服务体系结构模型。对领域本体的构建、搜索服务的信息处理,主题爬虫的设计,索引的建立等做了深入细致地分析。在此基础上,利用本体模型,设计出满足用户需求的查询接口,实现对用户查询关键词的标准化处理以及扩展查询,提高搜索服务的查准率和查全率。
[Abstract]:The Internet has become an important tool in our life. In order to satisfy users' access to online information resources, various search engines, such as Google and Baidu, came into being. However, with the rapid expansion of information and the development of information diversification, In the search results, users have to find a lot of invalid information, even spam information. Therefore, the search engine is becoming professional and personalized. The subject search service for domain ontology has become the trend of information search. The topic search service can ensure the complete collection and timely updating of domain information, avoid the powerful "noise" in the search, and improve the query efficiency. In order to describe the knowledge structure of the domain, there are many forms of representation. In this paper, the definition, constitution, classification, description language and principles of ontology are introduced. Methods and commonly used ontology editing tools. According to the concept and terminology of communication industry, the ontology model is established by prot 茅 g 茅. According to the structure and classification of the search service, the ontology model is established by using the ontology editing tool, prot 茅 g 茅, according to the structure and classification of the search service. The architecture model of domain ontology oriented subject search service is put forward. The construction of domain ontology, the information processing of search service, the design of topic crawler and the establishment of index are analyzed in detail. By using ontology model, a query interface is designed to meet the needs of users. The standard processing of user query keywords and the expansion of query are realized, and the recall rate and recall rate of search service are improved.
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