本文选题:双边市场 + 交叉网络外部性 ; 参考:《东北财经大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:随着经济的发展和社会的进步,以及互联网的广泛应用,双边市场这一市场形态越来越常见,影响着人们的日常生活,因此也越来越受到学者们的关注。 在双边市场中,买卖双方借助某个平台进行交易,平台制定价格策略向产品或服务的买卖双方提供服务,促成交易从而获取收益。而且,买卖双方中某一方的数量越多,就会吸引另一方的数量增加。双边市场中的平台企业提供任何服务都是需要成本的,但是平台企业在对双边市场两边的用户定价时却出现了低价甚至免费的情况,比如购物中心对前来购物的消费者并不收取任何费用甚至还提供免费停车服务,却对入驻购物中心的商户收取较高的费用;搜索引擎向网民提供免费的信息搜索服务,而对到网站上发布信息的企业收取较高的费用。这种价格低于边际成本的定价行为无法用传统的单边市场理论进行解释,同时,这种定价行为也涉嫌掠夺性定价,从这一现实出发,我们必须寻找合适的定价模型来解释双边市场中平台企业的定价行为。一方面,双边市场定价理论的研究结论可以应用于很多产业,这对解释经济社会中的一些热点问题具有重要的现实意义。另一方面,对于反垄断领域来说,双边市场中的平台企业提供低价甚至免费产品是否构成掠夺性定价,这迫切需要相关理论的支撑。对双边市场定价行为进行模型化研究可以在双边市场基本理论的基础上,为反垄断工作提供进一步的更具体的证据,为现实案例提供指导。 笔者通过研读过往文献,归纳出了双边市场的定义以及主要特征,并根据平台企业的功能对双边市场进行了分类,在此过程中,笔者发现交叉网络外部性是双边市场特有的显著特征,也正是这一特征直接影响了平台企业的定价行为,从而出现了低于边际成本定价的低价甚至免费现象。因此,从交叉网络外部性角度建立双边市场的定价模型,得到平台企业的最优定价形式,用模型的结论结合双边市场基本理论来解释平台企业定价行为的形成原因,这是本文的核心内容。进而,将双边市场的定价行为与掠夺性定价行为进行对比和区分,这是本文研究的延伸和应用。 论文主要内容如下: 首先,笔者主要参考了国内外关于网络外部性、双边市场基本理论、双边市场定价行为以及双边市场反垄断研究这几个方面的文献,对国内外学者在双边市场领域的现有理论进行了回顾,过往的研究成果作为后文的理论基础,成为本文研究的重要参考。随后,笔者定义了交叉网络外部性,并总结了双边市场的相关理论,包括定义、特征和分类,这部分是全文研究的基本理论支撑。 接下来,作为本文的重点部分,以交叉网络外部性为基础,将其纳入定价的重要影响因素,建立双边市场定价模型,分别分析了垄断平台和竞争平台下平台企业如何进行定价以实现利润最大化,从而得出有关结论,解释了定价行为背后的经济学原因。通过模型得出结论,无论是垄断平台还是竞争性平台,由于两边用户之间交叉网络外部性的存在,平台可能会向一边用户免费,从而吸引更多用户到平台上来,进而通过交叉网络外部性的作用再吸引到另一边用户,虽然表面上平台对两边用的户的定价发生倾斜,但这是寻求利润最大化所导致的理性结果。 最后,以模型的结论为依据,结合现实案例,探讨了双边市场中平台企业的定价行为与掠夺性定价认定之间的区别和联系,初步讨论如何正确处理双边市场中平台企业的价格结构非中性现象。传统上,价格低于边际成本是判定掠夺性定价行为的主要依据,但是在双边市场中,我们必须全面考虑这一市场形态的独特特点,双边市场中的这种特殊的定价策略是在垄断和竞争的市场结构中的普遍行为,并不一定属于掠夺性定价行为。
[Abstract]:With the development of economy and the progress of society , and the wide application of Internet , the market form of bilateral market is becoming more and more common , affecting people ' s daily life , so it is more and more concerned by scholars .
In the bilateral market , the buyer and the seller are trading through a platform , the platform develops the price strategy to provide services to both the buyer and the seller of the product or service , thereby facilitating the transaction to obtain the revenue .
On the one hand , the research conclusion of bilateral market pricing theory can be applied to many industries , which is urgent to explain some hot issues in the bilateral market . On the other hand , the research conclusion of bilateral market pricing theory can be applied to many industries .
By studying past documents , the author concludes the definition and main characteristics of the bilateral market , and classifies the bilateral market according to the function of the platform enterprise .
The main contents of the thesis are as follows :
First of all , the author mainly refers to the literature of the domestic and foreign literatures about network exterior , bilateral market basic theory , bilateral market pricing behavior and bilateral market anti - monopoly research . The author reviews the existing theories in the field of bilateral market by scholars both at home and abroad . The past research results have become the important reference in this paper . Then , the author defines the cross - network exterior , and summarizes the relevant theories of the bilateral market , including definitions , features and classification , which is the basic theory support of the full - text study .
Next , as the key part of this paper , based on cross - network Externalities , this paper puts forward a bilateral market pricing model , which analyzes how the platform enterprises under the monopoly platform and the competition platform are priced to maximize the profit , and then draw the conclusion that the platform can attract more users to the platform , and then attract more users to the platform , and then attract more users to the platform , which is inclined to the pricing of the households used on both sides , but this is the result of seeking profit maximization .
Finally , based on the conclusion of the model , combined with the practical cases , the differences and connections between pricing behavior and predatory pricing of the platform enterprises in the bilateral market are discussed , and how to deal with the non - neutral phenomenon of price structure of the platform enterprises in the bilateral market is discussed .
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