本文选题:电商 + 主题 ; 参考:《华南理工大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:At present, the scale of Internet information is constantly growing, the Internet has entered the big data era. It is becoming more and more difficult for people to find the information they need in such a huge amount of data on the Internet. More and more people tend to use search engines to search for information, and in most cases, people tend to search for a specific field. At present, most search engines on the Internet are general search engines, the content of search is not clear, the content of a wide range of search requirements for users in specific areas of information has become inadequate. With the rapid growth of Internet information data, theming, intelligence and personalization have gradually become the direction of search engine development, especially the search engine based on a specific topic is one of the research hotspots. At present, consumers rely on e-commerce portal to obtain e-commerce product information, but can not search through search engines. Moreover, the research on how to provide consumers with relevant commodity information by e-commerce search engines is relatively rare. Aiming at the problem that the general search engine can not provide the users with in-depth commodity information, this paper designs and develops a search engine system based on the topic of e-commerce, which is convenient for users to query the relevant commodity information quickly and accurately. In this paper, we study the distributed subject search engine based on Hadoop and its related technical principles. Firstly, the necessary technology of search engine, such as web crawler, data index, Chinese word segmentation, web page classification, search score and so on, is deeply analyzed, which lays a solid foundation for the research of this paper. Then, the distributed computing framework MapReduce and the distributed file system HDFSare deeply analyzed, and the design scheme based on MapReduce programming model is introduced. The system architecture design, system function partition, web crawler flow, index flow and search flow are analyzed and designed on Hadoop platform. The implementation and improvement of three subsystems are completed. Nutch is used as the basic frame of web crawler, Solr is used as the search frame, and IK-Analyzer is introduced to deal with Chinese content. In this paper, the problems of current ecommerce network crawlers are analyzed in Nutch-based network crawlers and solutions are proposed. Finally, the distributed search engine system with four nodes is implemented, and the JingDong and Tmall are taken as examples to test and evaluate the system.
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