[Abstract]:In April 1994, China officially realized the full function connection to the Internet. In less than 20 years, the Internet has undergone earth-shaking changes in China. The great enrichment of cultural life, together with the broad masses of people have the time, energy and necessary conditions to pay attention to the network world, use the network to obtain information, exchange and entertainment. Because the network communication is different from the traditional media, it makes the communication environment and the communication concept in the network world different from the real society, and thus leads to a kind of subculture, in which language produces a variety, that is, the network language. With the popularity of keyword search in Internet search engines and the way in which Internet media communicate hot issues of public opinion, the network language is condensed into words that can refer to the whole event; these words come out of the network. Often appear in a variety of traditional media, behind not only refers to a story, but also contains emotions, public opinion. Based on this, the concept of "word media" is put forward-"word media" refers to words as a carrier of information, a specific time, place, person, event to be condensed, published on the Internet or traditional media, in order to facilitate word of mouth. The appearance of ci media is inseparable from the vast number of netizens. It is they who give the new meaning of mass communication to words or new words they coined in the online world. So the characteristics of the word media are obvious: its streamlined content is easy to remember and has obvious appeal, and it carries a lot of information; it spreads explosively. A new word created can attract its readers to take the initiative to dig out the hidden meaning behind it; when word media has a huge influence on the Internet, the traditional media will also report on it because of the needs of the news. Finally, the communication effect is maximized. The appearance of ci media is also inseparable from the memory and emotion of the people. Through these words they express their inner world of either sadness or joy or oppression or freedom, and use these words to express their views on hot social events, or to express their anger or ridicule or relief or encouragement, and to form public opinion about the expression of their views, With the help of the word media, it is widely disseminated, and even ultimately affects the relevant government departments to handle government affairs and make regulations. This not only reflects the network citizens' struggle for their rights through the Internet, but also their concern and responsibility for the country and society. It also reflects the perfection of democracy and rule of law in our country. In the age of ci media, words, the most primitive form of language, have been revived and become a kind of "mass media" full of vitality and creativity. As a form of mass media, ci media should not only play its own advantage in communication and play an important role in the supervision of public opinion, but also need more guidance. More rational voices are needed to fulfill its mission as a responsible medium in thinking and criticizing.
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