发布时间:2018-07-29 19:35
【摘要】:目的 在国家医改取得明显成效的形势下,三甲医院作为江苏省医疗卫生行业的中坚力量,需要建立高水平的网站,满足互联网高度发展下日益增多的患者需求。本研究从分析医院网站的概念、目的、必要性、现状等方面入手,旨在通过理论研究和现场调查,了解江苏省三甲医院网站建设现状和总体水平,明确、归纳三甲医院网站建设的优势与不足,结合医患双方对医院网站建设的认识、意见,探索江苏省三甲医院网站今后建设及完善的方向及模式,以期能够在医疗卫生体制改革的形势下,进一步为医院网站服务患者提供更好的建议。 方法 采用自编《江苏省三甲医院网站栏目统计表》,其中包括建站情况、医院宣传、患者服务三张分表,通过搜索引擎查找江苏省全部50家三甲医院的门户网站进行栏目归类统计,其中综合医院20家、中医医院11家、中西医结合医院2家、专科医院17家。 采用自编的医务人员和患者《三甲医院网站建设现状调查问卷》,对抽样获得的南京市6家三级甲等医院医务人员和患者随机开展问卷调查。针对医务人员和患者分别设计问卷,,问题大部分采用客观选择题,较少设有开放式问题。调查前对调查员进行培训,统一标准,被调查对象当场填写后回收。 结果与结论 1.江苏省50家三甲医院网站建站率100%,总体而言,这些网站内容详实丰富、页面大方简洁、功能丰富实用,健康常识教育、就诊指南、地理位置及交通信息栏目设置率最高,依次达到92%、88%,86%,而电子商务应用、科室网站、信息查询、医患沟通互动等设置率不高且实际应用不大,可以认为,江苏省三甲医院网站已基本由信息阶段转化为交互阶段。 2.江苏省网上预约挂号系统建设水平较高,84%被调查的医院网站有预约挂号服务,多家城市已经建立了市级统一挂号系统,省级系统在建设中,虽还没得到普遍应用,但其便捷性还是让过半数的被调查的患者表示愿意尝试。同时值得关注的是,预约服务在推行过程中,挂号成功率低、爽约率高等问题又同时困扰着医院。 3.受问卷调查672名医务人员,96.73%的人关注医院网站,95.7%的被调查的者认为医院网站比较重要及重要,医务人员对网上沟通的各种方式还是持乐观并愿意尝试的态度。对于医务人员,不论是管理者、医生、护士、还是其他医务工作者,医院网站如可以增进医患沟通、减少不必要的纠纷、简化就诊就医流程等,能给他们节省时间与精力,而68.6%的被调查的者认为医院管理者对医院网站建设不太重视。 4.当前,患者获得医院信息的主要途径还是熟人介绍方式,占全部被调查的者的72.38%,但也有42.84%的人表示网络查询也是获取信息的重要途径,患者肯定并重视医院网站在方便就医中起到的作用,46.1%的人表示医院网站要不断完善才能更好的满足自己的就医需求,同时,虽然患者愿意并要求加强与医院的沟通与联系,但由于当前大医院医务人员工作繁忙,三甲医院网上互动沟通类栏目的时效性及答复质量不能得到保证,因此更多的患者选择到医院与医务人员面对面沟通。 建议 医院应充分利用医务人员及患者对医院网站建设持积极支持态度,进一步的落实并强化医院管理者对医院网站建设的关注与支持,应以患者为中心,提供个性化服务;医院网站的语言版本有待丰富,扩大对外交流能力;应结合信息化建设,丰富信息共享与查询功能内涵;应尝试网站电子商务功能的开发;应利用网站加强医患网上交流,使医院网站成为医院服务的重要形式,成为医患之间加强沟通理解的桥梁。 卫生行政部门应注意结合本地医院发展水平及患者需求情况,制定不同等级医院网站考核具体指标,督促医院管理者重视医院网站建设,不断提高医院网站建设水平。
Under the situation of national medical reform, three a hospital, as the backbone of the medical and health industry in Jiangsu Province, needs to establish a high level website to meet the increasing demand of the patients under the high development of the Internet. This study aims at analyzing the concept, purpose, necessity and status of the hospital website, aiming at theoretical research. And field investigation, to understand the status and overall level of the website construction of Jiangsu three a hospital, clarify the advantages and disadvantages of the website construction of three a hospital, and to explore the direction and mode of the construction and improvement of the website of the three a hospital of Jiangsu Province in order to improve the medical and health system. Under the circumstances of the leather industry, we will further provide better advice for patients in hospital websites.
The website of "three a" Hospital of Jiangsu province was compiled, which included the station situation, the hospital propaganda and the patient service three sub tables. Through the search engine, the portal websites of all 50 three A hospitals in Jiangsu province were searched for the column classification statistics, including 20 comprehensive hospitals, 11 Chinese Medical hospitals, 2 traditional Chinese and western hospitals and 17 specialist hospitals. Home.
Using self compiled medical staff and patients' website construction status questionnaire of three a hospital, the questionnaire survey was carried out randomly on medical personnel and patients in 6 grade A hospitals in Nanjing city. The questionnaires were designed for medical personnel and patients respectively. Most of the problems were objective choice questions and fewer open questions. Investigators conducted training and unified standards, and the respondents were filled on the spot and recovered.
Results and conclusions
1. the site rate of 50 third one hospitals in Jiangsu province is 100%. In general, these websites are rich in content, generous and concise, functional and practical, healthy and common sense education, medical guide, geographical location and traffic information column rate is the highest, reaching 92%, 88%, 86%, and electronic commerce application, Department website, information inquiry, doctor-patient communication and communication. The setting rate of mobile service is not high and the actual application is not large. It can be considered that the website of Jiangsu three grade a hospital has basically been transformed from information stage to interaction stage.
2. Jiangsu province online reservation registration system has a high level of construction, 84% of the hospital websites have been registered and registered services, many cities have established a municipal unified registration system, the provincial system in construction, although it has not been widely used, but its convenience is still more than half of the patients surveyed are willing to try. At the same time it is worth paying attention to. In the process of appointment service, the success rate of registration is low, and the high rate of appointment has troubled the hospital at the same time.
3. were surveyed by 672 medical staff, 96.73% of them paid attention to the hospital website, and 95.7% of the respondents believed that the hospital website was more important and important. The medical staff were optimistic and willing to try all kinds of ways of communication on the Internet. For medical staff, doctors, nurses, or other medical workers, hospitals, medical workers, hospitals, and other medical workers The website can improve the communication between doctors and patients, reduce unnecessary disputes, simplify medical treatment process, and save time and energy for them, and 68.6% of the respondents believe that hospital managers do not pay much attention to the construction of hospital websites.
4. at present, the main way for patients to obtain hospital information is the way of acquaintances, accounting for 72.38% of all the respondents, but 42.84% of the people also say that network inquiry is also an important way to obtain information. The patients affirm and attach importance to the role of the hospital website in the convenience of medical treatment, and 46.1% say that the hospital website should be perfected continuously. At the same time, although the patient is willing and required to strengthen communication and contact with the hospital, but because of the busy work of the medical staff in the large hospital, the timeliness and the quality of the response are not guaranteed, so more patients choose to face the face of the hospital and the medical staff. Communicate.
The hospital should take full advantage of the positive support attitude of medical personnel and patients to the construction of hospital website, further implement and strengthen the attention and support of hospital administrators to the construction of hospital website. We should take patients as the center and provide personalized service; the language version of the hospital website needs to be rich and rich in foreign communication; it should be combined with information technology. Construction should enrich the function connotation of information sharing and inquiry; we should try to develop the function of Electronic Commerce on the website. We should use the website to strengthen the communication between doctors and patients on the Internet, make the hospital website become an important form of hospital service, and become a bridge to strengthen the understanding between doctors and patients.
The Department of health administration should pay attention to the development level of local hospitals and the needs of the patients, formulate specific indicators for the examination of different levels of hospital websites, urge the hospital administrators to attach importance to the construction of hospital websites, and constantly improve the level of hospital website construction.
Under the situation of national medical reform, three a hospital, as the backbone of the medical and health industry in Jiangsu Province, needs to establish a high level website to meet the increasing demand of the patients under the high development of the Internet. This study aims at analyzing the concept, purpose, necessity and status of the hospital website, aiming at theoretical research. And field investigation, to understand the status and overall level of the website construction of Jiangsu three a hospital, clarify the advantages and disadvantages of the website construction of three a hospital, and to explore the direction and mode of the construction and improvement of the website of the three a hospital of Jiangsu Province in order to improve the medical and health system. Under the circumstances of the leather industry, we will further provide better advice for patients in hospital websites.
The website of "three a" Hospital of Jiangsu province was compiled, which included the station situation, the hospital propaganda and the patient service three sub tables. Through the search engine, the portal websites of all 50 three A hospitals in Jiangsu province were searched for the column classification statistics, including 20 comprehensive hospitals, 11 Chinese Medical hospitals, 2 traditional Chinese and western hospitals and 17 specialist hospitals. Home.
Using self compiled medical staff and patients' website construction status questionnaire of three a hospital, the questionnaire survey was carried out randomly on medical personnel and patients in 6 grade A hospitals in Nanjing city. The questionnaires were designed for medical personnel and patients respectively. Most of the problems were objective choice questions and fewer open questions. Investigators conducted training and unified standards, and the respondents were filled on the spot and recovered.
Results and conclusions
1. the site rate of 50 third one hospitals in Jiangsu province is 100%. In general, these websites are rich in content, generous and concise, functional and practical, healthy and common sense education, medical guide, geographical location and traffic information column rate is the highest, reaching 92%, 88%, 86%, and electronic commerce application, Department website, information inquiry, doctor-patient communication and communication. The setting rate of mobile service is not high and the actual application is not large. It can be considered that the website of Jiangsu three grade a hospital has basically been transformed from information stage to interaction stage.
2. Jiangsu province online reservation registration system has a high level of construction, 84% of the hospital websites have been registered and registered services, many cities have established a municipal unified registration system, the provincial system in construction, although it has not been widely used, but its convenience is still more than half of the patients surveyed are willing to try. At the same time it is worth paying attention to. In the process of appointment service, the success rate of registration is low, and the high rate of appointment has troubled the hospital at the same time.
3. were surveyed by 672 medical staff, 96.73% of them paid attention to the hospital website, and 95.7% of the respondents believed that the hospital website was more important and important. The medical staff were optimistic and willing to try all kinds of ways of communication on the Internet. For medical staff, doctors, nurses, or other medical workers, hospitals, medical workers, hospitals, and other medical workers The website can improve the communication between doctors and patients, reduce unnecessary disputes, simplify medical treatment process, and save time and energy for them, and 68.6% of the respondents believe that hospital managers do not pay much attention to the construction of hospital websites.
4. at present, the main way for patients to obtain hospital information is the way of acquaintances, accounting for 72.38% of all the respondents, but 42.84% of the people also say that network inquiry is also an important way to obtain information. The patients affirm and attach importance to the role of the hospital website in the convenience of medical treatment, and 46.1% say that the hospital website should be perfected continuously. At the same time, although the patient is willing and required to strengthen communication and contact with the hospital, but because of the busy work of the medical staff in the large hospital, the timeliness and the quality of the response are not guaranteed, so more patients choose to face the face of the hospital and the medical staff. Communicate.
The hospital should take full advantage of the positive support attitude of medical personnel and patients to the construction of hospital website, further implement and strengthen the attention and support of hospital administrators to the construction of hospital website. We should take patients as the center and provide personalized service; the language version of the hospital website needs to be rich and rich in foreign communication; it should be combined with information technology. Construction should enrich the function connotation of information sharing and inquiry; we should try to develop the function of Electronic Commerce on the website. We should use the website to strengthen the communication between doctors and patients on the Internet, make the hospital website become an important form of hospital service, and become a bridge to strengthen the understanding between doctors and patients.
The Department of health administration should pay attention to the development level of local hospitals and the needs of the patients, formulate specific indicators for the examination of different levels of hospital websites, urge the hospital administrators to attach importance to the construction of hospital websites, and constantly improve the level of hospital website construction.
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