[Abstract]:I DHT-based structured P2P networks have a lot of research and applications, both in traditional distributed systems and in new computing models. After more than 10 years of development, its basic theory and core technology tend to be stable. Researchers have also turned their attention to practical application problems, load balancing is one of them. One important aspect is that the "hot spot" problem in traditional applications exists in structured P2P networks as well. At the same time, the ability of nodes is so different from that of traditional servers that load balancing in structured P2P networks becomes more important. It is more difficult to achieve load balancing in structured P2P networks. This paper focuses on the load balancing problem caused by uneven query distribution in structured P2P networks. The main work includes the following aspects: (1) serious skewed queries easily lead to the load of nodes maintaining hot data in the system is much higher than that of other nodes. Replication/caching technology can effectively balance the load of nodes.The application of replication/caching technology in structured P2P networks has a long history.In order to improve system reliability and data availability,researchers have proposed a large number of replication schemes,and made theoretical analysis from the aspects of efficiency,data retention,data consistency,etc. In view of this problem, the relationship between replica placement strategy and query hit rate in structured P2P networks is analyzed creatively by using the relative position of the replica and the source data. It is found that the hit probability is exponential with the decrease of the distance between the replica and the source data. (2) In DHT-based SOA, search engines and other systems, on the one hand, the "hot spots" caused by high skewness of user access will seriously affect the availability of the system; on the other hand, multi-attribute resource location based on single keyword will inevitably seriously affect the efficiency of the system. Balanced multi-attribute resource location method QFMA: Based on MAAN, the description information of the same resource is stored on multiple nodes; the state information of the node where the "hot" keyword is located is "piggybacked" by copying along the route; other queries switch targets according to these states during the route, and the "hot" keyword is "piggybacked". In structured P2P networks, the logical structure and physical structure of the network are often inconsistent, that is, there are topologies. On the one hand, topological mismatch will lead to high latency of query location; on the other hand, it will increase routing and data transmission between autonomous systems. Replication/caching in structured P2P networks is an effective means to eliminate "hot spots" and achieve load balancing. However, replica creation, replica maintenance, query scheduling and other operations will inevitably lead to additional operations. Routing and data transmission overhead. In order to reduce the overhead of replication/caching and the routing between autonomous systems, a load balancing algorithm PB-Chord based on replication of neighboring nodes is proposed. Any node has the load status information of all nodes in the cluster. The data object information can be used to improve the efficiency of routing and positioning in the process of query. At the same time, the information can be used for centrless query scheduling to achieve load balancing of nodes in the cluster. Theoretical analysis and experimental results show that PB-Chord can achieve load balancing in the cluster. (4) It is a challenging task to obtain global load state in large-scale, dynamic P2P networks. In view of this situation, this paper proposes an efficient way to obtain global load state in large-scale structured P2P networks. Hermes: A Gossip algorithm based on PushPull mode is proposed to transmit state information. A novel algorithm is presented to compress the global state to reduce the transmission and storage overhead. Theoretical analysis and experimental results show that in N-node networks, only log N-2 cycles are needed to propagate the state of any node to the whole. If the node load conforms to the Zipf distribution, only a small storage space is needed to store the global state information of the large-scale network.
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