[Abstract]:This dissertation is one of the sub-topics of "Application Research of Large Data Based on Cloud Computing" of Guangzhou Telecommunication Research Institute. It mainly studies the application of Big Data technology such as distributed storage and distributed computing in the field of data processing on clothing channel. Shopping has penetrated into people's daily life. At present, the mainstream shopping platforms mainly provide users with text retrieval mode, but because of the complex appearance of some goods and the inaccuracy of text description, the search results are often unsatisfactory, such as clothing with complex appearance. Despite a small number of platforms attempting to provide commodities that rely on image retrieval, but seriously disturbed by the background of the image, the same can not achieve better retrieval results.
Aiming at these problems, this paper proposes a retrieval model based on hot tag automatic learning for fashion channel, which belongs to the category of "search by graph". This model is based on the fact that fashion products on the Internet can get relatively satisfactory search results with only a few hot text tags. Specifically, it is By identifying the hotspot tags of fashion elements contained in the pictures submitted by users, the image set with the same hotspot tags is retrieved, and a retrieval process is completed from the graph to the hotspot tag, and then from the hotspot tag to the graph, including the training stage and the search stage. Pictures form a training set, extract the fashion element features of images, and generate a hot label classifier with SVM. In the search phase, hot labels are extracted from the submitted images, and then hot labels are used to search the merchandise stores and return the results.
The advantages of this model include two main points: first, compared with the existing visual search engine, this method is not easily disturbed by background pictures, more targeted to fashion products; second, it has a certain semantic search effect. The main contributions of this paper are as follows: Firstly, we provide a semi-annotated image database which can be used for further study, including three collar styles and three texture styles; secondly, we complete the general purpose with Nutch open source project. The third is to collect an image data set which can be used in the research of image retrieval technology with the help of Hadoop distributed technology. The fourth is to implement a prototype system which supports the method of this paper according to the requirement of software engineering.
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