[Abstract]:This paper studies the similarity learning of heterogeneous data and the application of similarity learning in Web search. Similarity learning plays an important role in many applications such as web search, recommendation system, image annotation and machine translation. Essentially, the tasks of these applications can be summed up as learning and utilizing a phase. The similarity function matches two heterogeneous instances. These two instances are queries and documents in network search, users and objects in recommendation system, keywords and pictures in image annotation, and translations in two languages in machine translation. In particular, search engines are the media networks that produce query document matches in network search. The rapid expansion of information on the Internet makes people's lives more and more inseparable from search engines. The task of search engines is to retrieve relevant documents from queries submitted by different users and to sort them according to their relevance. Queries and documents are two heterogeneous instances whose correlation is determined by their similarity. In this paper, the inner product of Hilbert space is defined as similarity function. Specifically, two kinds of heterogeneity are discussed.
The mapping function maps heterogeneous instances to the same Hilbert space and the inner product of the mapping image is defined as a similarity function. Under this definition, this paper considers two ways to learn the similarity of heterogeneous data: (1) First, the mapping function is studied, and then the inner product of the mapping image is calculated. In each way, this paper attempts to solve three problems: (1) how to synthesize information from different sources. For example, in Web search, both the content of query and document and the click through data can be used to learn similarity functions; (2) how to Improve the efficiency and scalability of the learning algorithm, so that it can deal with massive data; (3) How to analyze the generalization ability of the learning algorithm.
In this paper, we first consider learning mappings and then defining similarity functions by the inner product of the mapping image. In particular, we consider learning two linear mappings, and then the final similarity function is represented by a bilinear form. Orthogonal. Under this assumption, a multi-view learning method is proposed. This method can effectively utilize information from different sources. Subsequently, in order to improve the efficiency and scalability of learning, a regularization method is given. Specifically, we constrain the l_1 norm and l_2 norm of linear mapping row vectors. This assumption guarantees the sparsity of the solution and makes the algorithm easy to parallelize. Finally, the generalization ability of similarity learning methods is systematically studied.
Then, we consider directly defining the hypothesis space of the similarity function to learn the similarity function of heterogeneous data. In particular, we propose a kernel-based similarity learning by using the kernel method in machine learning. In order to improve the efficiency of the learning algorithm, an on-line approximation of the algorithm is proposed.
We apply heterogeneous data similarity learning to network search, and show that the proposed learning method can solve the term mismatch problem in network search. We experimented on real large-scale enterprise search data and network search data. It effectively overcomes the problem of word mismatch and significantly improves the performance of traditional methods in relativity ranking and similar query discovery.
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