[Abstract]:The recommendation provides great convenience for users to make use of network resources. According to whether the input information is clear or not, the recommendation can be divided into two categories: (1) recommendation based on keywords, (2) recommendation based on user's potential behavior and relationship. The most commonly used keyword-based recommendation is search. The user enters the keyword, and the search engine returns the search results closest to the keyword. However, traditional search engines mainly improve the recall and precision of search results, and ignore that users with different backgrounds expect different search results for the same keywords. Simply improving the recall and precision of search engines can not provide users with satisfactory recommendation, which is due to the limited information contained in keyword-based search or the lack of mining the implicit needs of users. As a result, the search results can not meet the personalized needs of users. Therefore, to meet the personalized needs of users is one of the key factors to improve the search quality. This paper holds that improving the quality of personalized search mainly depends on the accuracy of mining the implicit information of users and reflecting the change of user preferences in real time. Based on the systematic research on the search behavior, this paper proposes the following aspects to improve the search quality: (1) A personalized search result prediction method based on user behavior is proposed, and the historical access behavior of the user is analyzed. A hidden Markov model (HMM),) based on user behavior and preference is established to predict user's search preference and realize personalized search. In order to improve the efficiency of this method, the time of estimating HMM parameters is reduced by clustering similar users, and a more efficient personalized search method is obtained. (2) the influence of web page ranking on search quality is studied. Aiming at the phenomenon that web pages can improve their ranking by linking to each other, this paper analyzes the topology of existing web pages, and puts forward a method to identify and eliminate the abnormal ranking lifting pages by the lifting coefficient of web pages. The quality of search results is improved effectively. Another problem that must be faced in the process of recommendation is how to provide users with reasonable recommendation and help them to make decisions when there is no clear requirement. Based on the systematic study of user behavior and trust relationship, this paper proposes to improve the quality of recommendation from the following aspects: (1) study how to provide reasonable recommendation for new users, that is, the cold start problem of users. Because the recommendation given by trusted users is more credible, in order to extend the scope of trusted users and ensure that the extended trust relationship is reliable, this paper proposes to restrict the extension of trust relationships through distrust relationships. Based on the extended trust relationship and the evaluation information of the products, the recommendation effect of the new users and the users with few historical information is improved. (2) the influence of time factors on the recommendation is discussed. This paper studies the relationship between user behavior and their preferences, and proposes a recommendation model to describe the change of user preferences over time. And the similarity calculation process between users is transformed into bipartite graph optimal matching, which not only ensures the accuracy of the recommendation algorithm, but also reduces its time complexity. (3) aiming at the phenomenon that some products with potential needs have little chance to be paid attention to. A recommendation method constrained by long tail distribution is proposed. The method firstly determines the similarity relationship between users based on user behavior, and then reasonably extends the similarity relationship between users. Finally, the recommended weight of commodities is constrained by long tail distribution. It solves the problem that some commodities are difficult to be noticed and discovered by users because of their small quantity of evaluation.
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