[Abstract]:With the rapid expansion of network information, all kinds of news websites and forums are getting more and more information. In such huge data, it is becoming more and more difficult to find news items or forum topics related to topics of concern to users quickly and accurately. At present, search engines such as Google, Baidu provide a wide range of topics for crawling results, and the timeliness is difficult to guarantee. In addition, some key words related to the results are purchased, which often leads to the timeliness and relevance of retrieval. The efficiency of manual retrieval is not satisfactory, which can not meet the needs of users in a specific field of accurate search. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to achieve a precise web crawler system with the accuracy of page timeliness, network content correlation and high matching of search keywords, together with accurate classification and analysis, in order to achieve the purpose of monitoring network public opinion. As Internet public order becomes an important part of constructing harmonious spiritual civilization, it is more and more important to guard against the network naval forces and network hostile forces, and to listen to the voices of the people. This has also led to the emergence of domestic public opinion monitoring for the purpose of the network crawler system companies, my internship in the unit is such a focus on specific user groups of Internet companies. The data sources of the network public opinion analysis system described in this paper are currently the main domestic Weibo, forums (such as Xici, Tianya, Sina, Tiefa) and news websites (Sina and other portals), as well as Baidu, Qihoo News and other professional search engine results page. After the web page is fetched recursively, we use HtmlParser, an open source web page parsing tool, to analyze the main structure and filter it based on time, topic correlation and content correlation. Finally, it is updated to the database for the foreground Jsp page to visit. Reptiles support timing tasks and ad-hoc immediate triggers. At the logic level, some open source technologies such as Spring,Hibernate,Struts are used to build MVC-based business processing system, and the modules of background acquisition, parsing, filtering and so on are used to perfect the system by using open source technology such as Berkeley DB,Apache Lucene,HtmlParser,MMAnalyzer. In this system, I designed and implemented the collection center sub-module, analysis module and classification analysis module. This paper mainly describes the related work of these modules, including requirements analysis, specific design (flow chart, class diagram) and the implementation of key codes. In the end, the shortcomings of the system and the points for improvement are described.
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