[Abstract]:Search engine is regarded as the best price-performance marketing method, and keyword advertising is the most widely used. By increasing the exposure of corporate brands in search results pages, keyword ads not only help to increase the number of visits to corporate websites, but also help advertisers to enhance their brand image and market penetration. In recent years, there has been a controversial advertising campaign in keyword advertising: when users search for a brand keyword, their rival or dealer brands appear in the advertising list. In other words, some enterprises deliberately bid for the keywords of other enterprises, which is actually a kind of enticement behavior, (Bait and Switch), or plagiarism (Poaching). Although this kind of behavior is not respected in law and morality, it appears frequently in all kinds of search engines in real life. Until the door. Research on plagiarism in keyword advertising is limited. Most of the studies are still in the stage of theoretical research or qualitative description, and there are very few articles on scientific and rigorous research through empirical research. On the other hand, from the point of view of the published articles, almost all the studies have been examined from the point of view of search engines or advertisers, focusing mainly on the circumstances under which enterprises adopt this kind of behavior, and which types of enterprises are suitable for adopting this kind of behavior. Whether the search engine should prohibit this behavior, and whether it can profit from it if the search engine allows it to occur, and so on, and the study of the above question only stops at the description of the behavior. There is no explanation for this phenomenon, and the question of the user's attitude to this behavior is hardly addressed. Based on the research results related to user brand cognition in the field of keyword advertising, combined with the current exploratory research on plagiarism in keyword advertising, this paper takes the principle of assimilation and contrast in cognitive psychology as the theoretical support. From the point of view of search engine users, this paper studies how the users evaluate their brands after bidding for the keywords of other enterprises. Specifically, this paper mainly from the advertising link ranking, plagiarism brand attributes and the relationship between plagiarist and plagiarism to study the impact of users on the plagiarism brand relevance evaluation mechanism. This paper mainly adopts the method of empirical research, collects 326 valid questionnaires by the method of laboratory test, carries on the data analysis by using SPSS software, and verifies the hypothetical model of the article. Finally, the following conclusions are drawn: (1) there is a significant positive correlation between the brand awareness of plagiarists and the user relevance evaluation. (2) only in the context of strong plagiarism, the link ranking of well-known brands is positively related to the correlation evaluation, while the advertising ranking of unknown brands is inversely proportional to the relevance evaluation. (3) the attributes of the plagiarist will influence the evaluation of brand relevance, and the retailer gets higher correlation evaluation than the competitor. (4) under the high degree of search intervention, there is no significant correlation between the user's memory of the unknown brand and the brand ranking and the attributes of the plagiarist. This article is the first domestic study of plagiarism, mainly based on the user's perspective to explore the effects of this plagiarism behavior. At the same time, the author uses the theory of assimilation contrast effect in impression formation mechanism to discuss the user's memory and relevance evaluation of plagiarism brand in plagiarism.
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