[Abstract]:With the development of information technology and the increasing popularity of the Internet, search engines are paid more attention by people. In recent years, the most mainstream search engine is the search engine based on keyword search, which is based on keyword search engine. The accuracy of calculating the weight of each word in the user query statement will directly affect the order of the subsequent web pages, so it is very important to correctly calculate the word weight value in the retrieval condition. In this paper, we try to find a method to calculate the keyword weight of user query statements in order to make the search engine based on keyword search reach a higher level. It lays a good foundation for the subsequent retrieval processing. In order to accomplish the purpose of the research, this paper mainly includes the following three parts: the characteristics of user query statements. This paper analyzes the relationship between the characteristics of the 5000 sentence query sentences marked with the core words and the weight of the words, and analyzes the stop words contained in the query statements and the stop words in the modern Chinese corpus. At the same time, the analysis and examples of stop-word in query statements under different categories are given. Keyword weight calculation for web page sorting. The segmentation and part of speech tagging of user query log is carried out, and the task of keyword extraction is regarded as a classification task. Combining with the characteristics of query statements, the eight contextual features of each word are finally determined as the characteristics of forest classification in decision tree. The calculation methods of each characteristic are introduced respectively. Error analysis of the experimental results is carried out, and some rules are added to post-process the results of model classification. Analysis of experimental results. The results of decision tree classification method and traditional keyword extraction and weight calculation methods are compared and analyzed. About 1000 query statements are randomly extracted from the user's query log for manual evaluation. The accuracy and recall rate of the model are evaluated by cross-validation. Compare the winning rate between the model method and the traditional weight calculation method in web page sorting; Several query statements are selected to search on "Baidu", and the influence of the keyword sequence determined by the model and the search statement that does not deal with the keywords on the ranking effect of the web pages is obtained. The experimental results show that the method of keyword extraction and weight calculation used in this paper is feasible in the weight calculation of web page sorting.
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