[Abstract]:With the continuous improvement of network infrastructure, the development of logistics, the establishment and maturity of third-party payment methods and credit system, the rapid development of network economy, online shopping and network marketing have become a kind of work. Life and consumption patterns and habits. How to consolidate the existing achievements of traditional brand construction, to network the offline brand, and to use the network to promote and spread, to stabilize the existing customer base and to continuously open up the market, has become a trend and inevitable. Compared with traditional brand marketing, brand network marketing has its commonness, including company strategy, brand positioning, product line selection and positioning, market price, season promotion, operation mode, customer relationship marketing, etc. Rooted in the network, reproduction is strong, fast, high abstract, attention to interaction, strong pertinence and so on. This paper first studies and analyzes the current situation, problems and causes of brand networking in Bluebird Technology Electronics Co., Ltd., then puts forward the necessity of brand branding, and then further analyzes the internal and external environment, influencing factors and mutual relations of brand networking. This paper expounds the principles and objectives of brand networking, and puts forward the scheme, steps and methods, implementation measures and evaluation of brand networking. Finally, taking the AIRCAS consumer industry model as the main line, the paper intersperses the usage methods and precautions of several kinds of network promotion tools, such as EMAIL marketing, e-commerce promotion platform, enterprise website, search engine, IM online tools, etc. Combined with effective offline promotion, in order to promote the brand more effectively, constantly expand marketing, and realize the maximization of enterprise profits.
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