[Abstract]:With the development of science and technology, enterprises pay more and more attention to knowledge, and search engine is undoubtedly a better choice when acquiring knowledge. But the vertical search engine has its disadvantages, such as the late start of the vertical search engine, which makes most fields do not have a vertical search engine. At the same time, the development cost of vertical search engine is also high, so it is very important to search the required professional knowledge accurately in general search engine. Most of the knowledge on the Internet exists in the form of unstructured, but the ability of general search engine to deal with unstructured information is low, at the same time, the depth of professional knowledge mining is not enough, it is difficult to accurately search the required professional knowledge. The experiential knowledge of mould is very important to the development of the enterprise, which can help the enterprise to improve the ability to solve the problem quickly, the management level, the innovation ability and so on. Therefore, this paper takes the empirical knowledge of mould as the research object, carries on the related research, in order to be able to obtain this kind of knowledge to the mold enterprise to play a little help. In view of the above problems, this paper puts forward a set of preprocessing scheme of search condition, which makes the user's search condition be converted into a new standard search condition after preprocessing. Search for the required expertise faster and more accurately on a generic search engine. The main contents of this paper are as follows: 1. The working principle of general search engine is studied and the general rules of search are grasped so that the semantic framework established in the later period has theoretical foundation and can serve users better and more accurately; The problems of general search engine are studied. 2. The characteristics of mould experience knowledge are investigated deeply, the basic characteristics of mould experience knowledge are analyzed, and the basic characteristics of mould experience knowledge are determined in combination with the previous research results of lab brother and elder sister. 3. According to the working principle of the general search engine and the basic characteristics of the experiential knowledge of the mould, a suitable semantic framework for the search condition of the experiential knowledge of the mould is put forward. The new search conditions are verified by experiments, which can more accurately search the knowledge that users need. 4. Learning and analyzing the word segmentation algorithms studied by predecessors, combining with the basic characteristics of the knowledge of mould experience and the semantic framework established, an improved word segmentation algorithm is proposed, which realizes the segmentation of search conditions. A preprocessing system of search conditions is designed and developed to match the semantic framework of search conditions, Chinese automatic word segmentation and the intelligent learning of dictionaries.
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